Chapter 4

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"Hey, Indo"


"Open your eyes"

Indo open his eyes and The first thing he sees is seem to be a night sky. Very beautiful night sky. He look around trying to find the voice that have been calling him. Then from the distance. He see a figure? Who could that be? He stand up and walk very slowly towards the figure.

"Mal? Is that you?" He keep on walking towards the figure. When he get a little bit closer. He know the figure that he saw is definitely Mal. His best friend.

"Mal is that really you?" He said. "Hey answer me" He touch Mal by the shoulder. When Mal turn around. Indo was in completely shock. Mal face, is not like the Mal Indo used to know. Mal always have that sweet smile on him,cute and kind looking. But this one, he seems... scary, he can't see his pupils. He look dead.

"Mal? What happened to you!"

"Go away"


"I said go away"


"I don't need you"


"I'm sorry Indo"

Mal..    No.


Indo open his eyes again. He see Japan,Canada and Singa. Three of them surrounding Indo.

"Finally" Canada said and sigh, he stand up and walk away.

"You okay buddy?" Singa ask, looking worried. Singa always worried about Indo. Well, since Indo always hang out with him after Mal disappears. Indo shook his head and sit up. "You've been mumbling something while you were sleeping, nightmares again?" Singa ask.
"Y-yeah." Indo said while looking to the ground still thinking about the dream. He have been dreaming about this since Mal gone. He missed Mal so much. Sometimes he get a really nice dream with Mal for example, they were hanging out together like they used to. But every happy moment got ruined by darkness. For example, he fall to the ground or someone else pull him from behind.
"Indo-senpai, here some water. Please drink it" Japan was sitting next to Indo holding a cup of water. Indo take it and drink it.
"Thank you Japan" he smile. Japan just smile back and take the cup from his hand and walk away.
"Come on Indo, it's almost 7 p.m" Singa stand up and offer Indo his hand. Indo take it and they both walk together. There is an awkward silence between them. Singa decide to broke the silence. "Is it the same nightmares again?" Indo just nodded silently. "You've been dreaming about this since we were just 11" Not to mention they already in highschool. Indo just shrug. He doesn't know how to answer this. He was shaking the whole time.
"I missed him." Indo said. Singa just look over indo. Don't know what to say back. Singa sigh.
"Dude- I missed him too" After a few minutes walking in silence. They were right in front of Singa's house. "Well- this is a goodbye, be careful okay Indo?" He give Indo a pat on the back.
"Y-yeah sure man" Indo just smile and  walk away.
"Make sure you finish the homework! You know how strict our teacher is" Singa shout to Indo letting him know that he will get in trouble if he didn't finish the homework. Indo just give Singa a 'okay' sign without looking back. While he was walking around, he stop right in front of the park. He look around. He remembered all the fun stuff he always do with his best friend. They were playing, enjoying life as a kid. Indo smile a little. But that smile turn upside down really quick. He missed his best friend. Tears almost fall. Then he heard something.
"Is anyone there?" He ask looking a little bit scared. He look around. His eyes looking sharp. "Hello?" And then he just shrug. Thinking that maybe his mind were playing tricks on him. "Whatever" he walk away from the park. But the loud thump stop him from walking. He look behind as quickly as he could but he didnt see anything. This give him a shiver down his spine. "Whoever you are! Show yourself!" Indo learn how to fight. So he won't hesitate to punch some faces.




Indo was shock. He look directly at the bushes not to far from him. He run towards the bushes and see a man with a mask on his face holding someone in his arm. The man look at Indo and let go the person that he was holding. He took his pocket knife out and threatened Indo to back off. The person that the man was holding early was on the ground whimpering. This makes Indo even more angry and lucky him. He manage to punch the man in the face before the man could use his pocket knife and stab Indo right in the stomach.

"Hey- you okay? Come on! Come with me" Indo run towards the boy on the ground and offer him his hand. The boy couldn't move at all. He was scared of what just happened back then. Indo have no other choice but to pick the boy up and run. So he did, they arrive at the other park. Which as not far from the other one. But at least they escaped.
"Are you okay?" Indo ask him and put boy down. The boy just shook his head. He seems afraid? Indo didn't recognize who it was. He doesn't know how to comfort the boy. He thought to himself for awhile and then he got an idea. When he wad little. Mal always cry because of the bullying. Indo always give him a hug and pat on the back. It always going to calm him down at least just a little.

"I'm going to do something- um don't be- scared" Indo said walking towards the boy. He jump. Indo sit right infront of him and give him a hug and pat "everything is okay now, you don't have to be scared anymore" he told the boy with a gentle voice.

"Indo?" He said.

What? Who?

"Indo is that you? Is that really you?"


The boy hug him back and push Him away. He stand up "T-thank you" then he walk away. Indo stand there in shock. He couldn't believe. Wait? Is that really HIM? Did I just save HIM? He's mind is full with lots of questions.

"I need to know."

HEYYO!! Thank you so much for reading this one. It's a little bit short because I'm actually in school right now- and I did say to you guys that I will publish the story in the morning- so here you go. This story doesn't make any sense at all but I still like it xD so that's why I'm publishing it anyway, I hope you enjoy it 💖😂
I'm in school because. Well you know, spm result, I'm scared- really really scared. So wish me luck!

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