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"You're so not wearing that to a date".

Jungkook whined as his father judged the outfit he had picked out. It wasn't the prettiest of outfits, and it would surely not win any awards on a red carpet, but it was appropriate to what Taehyung had told him to wear.

"You look like you're going for a jog", his father once again gave his critique and his son huffed in dismay.

"It's not as if I wouldn't dress any fancier if I could, alright?", Jungkook finally said as he got enough of the look his father was giving him, "Taehyung told me to come in comfortable clothes that I wouldn't mind getting dirty".

Namjoon seemed absolutely distraught with that information, "What kind of date are you going on?"

"I have no idea dad, he chose the date", the boy exasperated. Could his father just mind his own business for one minute? He straightened the hood of his sweater and turned around in the little mirror on the wall one last time.

A knock on the caravan made him flinch in his little twirl. The sudden scent of daisies told him enough already and he hastily made his way over to the door. Before he opened it he shot his father a look, pleadingly telling him to shut up and not make a remark about anything.

Once he opened the door, he was met with a brightly smiling Taehyung, clad in clothes that resembled his own. Jungkook looked over his shoulder to make eye contact with his father, silently telling him You see! My clothes aren't that tacky! He's wearing the same thing!

"Hi', Taehyung smiled and extended his hand in which he held a singly daisy.

"Hello to you too", The alpha chuckled and accepted the little flower and slipped it into his father's glass of water that was just small enough for the flower.

Namjoon looked offended as his glass was now taken by a flower and he glared at his son. Jungkook ignored him and quickly got out of the caravan and closed the door behind him. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see", the omega smiled and started walking towards the exit of the trailer park. Jungkook strolled beside him, trying his hardest not to look down. Taehyung's grey joggers were tight and if the alpha was honest to himself, the boy's ass looked incredibly good in them.

Their walk brought them out of the city and to the entrance of a forest. Pine trees stood tall and proud and streaks of sun that were able to filter through the trees could be seen on the ground.

"A forest?", Jungkook asked, a bit dumbfounded. The omega didn't seem to mind his reaction and merely stepped into the said forest, leaving the alpha standing. "Hey! Wait!"

Taehyung stopped at an open place and before Jungkook could ask any more questions, the omega started undressing himself. Jungkook silently shrieked as the hoodie flew over Taehyung's head and landed onto the ground.

"What are you doing?", he frantically asked as now Taehyung stepped out of his jeans, showing black boxers.

"Come on, undress yourself", Taehyung grinned and turned around, hands now clutching the hem of his shirt, "We're going running".

It finally clicked in Jungkook's head.

The alpha oooh-ed and started undressing himself as well. He shuffled behind a big tree so he could give Taehyung (and himself) some privacy.

He could hear the cracking of bones when he tossed the last of his clothing articles onto the ground and not long after a short howl was heard.

Jungkook understood that he had to hurry up and shifted into his own wolf as well. It had been a while since he changed into his animal form, because it sometimes scared him to get in touch with it. He hoped he still had enough control around Taehyung in wolf form. His wolf was much stronger now than it was in human form.

He stepped out from behind the tree trunk and into the open space where a light brown wolf was waiting for him. Taehyung was much smaller than him and his fur seemed so pretty and soft. Jungkook knew his wolf looked more rough and animalistic than him but Taehyung didn't seem to care as he stepped closer and nuzzled his nose into the boy's black fur.

Jungkook felt ecstatic at the feeling of connecting with another werewolf. It had been ages he had let his wolf be this free. Last time he let his wolf spirit roam around with less boundaries he had attacked an innocent person. But that had been years ago and this was different, Taehyung trusted him and wouldn't challenge his alpha instinct.

Taehyung stepped away and motioned his head towards the deeper ends of the woods. Jungkook nodded and they scurried off, running next to each other as their paws hit the crunchy leaves beneath them.

They jumped and ran and playfully pounced onto each other. They shared howls and wolf cuddles until it started getting darker until the point Taehyung was shaking from the cold.

Taehyung was curled into a little ball onto the ground in the open space they had started in. Jungkook curled his own body around the other's, almost completely engulfing him in a warm wolf embrace as he let his head drop onto the ground. He let out a big sigh at the nice contact between the two of them, the leaves in front of his nose flying off at the sudden breath of air.

Taehyung nuzzled himself deeper into the black fur, nose poking the other's ear that twitched at the contact. They stayed like that for what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes. Neither of them knew but neither of them cared.

Without knowing it, the omega had turned himself back into a human and Jungkook only realized it when two arms wrapped themselves around him. He gasped as he felt the other's naked skin against his fur. "You're so cute as a wolfie", Taehyung mumbled, cuddling even closer.

Jungkook couldn't really answer since he was still in wolf form. He pondered for a second to turn back into his human form as well but it would probably be too embarrassing for him to be fully naked. He shivered at the mere thought.

"We should probably head back", the blonde muttered. He could feel Taehyung get up and heard him step towards his pile of clothes.

Jungkook scrambled himself off the ground as well and went towards his own clothes that littered the forest floor. Once he was back behind the tree, he switched into his human form and started putting on his clothes.

"Did you have fun?", Taehyung asked when he stepped out from behind the tree trunk. Jungkook shyly nodded, the feeling of the omega's naked skin still imprinted in his mind.

"Thank you for the date", Jungkook smiled once he had joined the other's side once again. They made their way back out of the woods, the street lanterns in the distance a clear indicator to where the road was. "We should do it again".

Taehyung looked at him, eyes wide in surprise, "Are you asking me on a date?"

"Maybe", Jungkook cleared his throat in embarrassment, "And this time I'll come up with something to do. It'll probably won't be as original as this though". They had reached the road and were on their way back to the middle of the city.

"That's totally fine because it will be something you come up with and that's special enough", Taehyung stopped walking and went up to his tippy toes and pressed a kiss onto the boy's cheek, "I'm taking the bus home so I'll be waiting here".

Jungkook hadn't realized they had passed a bus stop and nodded, "I'll stay with you then until the bus is here".

"Jungkook, you don't have to", the omega protested, reaching out his hand to push him forward as if to urge him to keep walking. Jungkook shook his head and stayed put.

"I want to", the alpha spoke with so much confidence it shocked Taehyung.

The blonde looked down and smiled, his cheeks painted a rosy pink, "O-okay".

The street lanterns drowned Taehyung in a golden glow, the boy looking even prettier than ever. It honestly shocked Jungkook that someone could be this beautiful and that this person was standing here, talking with him, blushing because of him.

Unconsciously he leant down and pressed a kiss to the boy's lips.

"You're really pretty".

Jungkook was getting bolder by the day as well.

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