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Jungkook could feel something bad stir in his tummy today. A lot of things were clear to him by now, but they weren't good things.

Monday, Taehyung's birthday, he had noticed that the omega hadn't come to school. At lunch, he had watched how Sooyun ran out of class, mumbling something about not being able to wait around any longer. Tuesday, there was no sight of Taehyung nor Sooyun coming to school. When Wednesday came around, his heart slowly began to realize the truth.

They were really fated mates.

He was once again leaning against the side of the school on a chilly Wednesday morning. The older white haired male was standing next to him, blowing out a cloud of smoke into the cool air. Jungkook watched how his cigarette hit the ground and rolled down, the end smolder against the snow.

"I'm guessing he met his mate", Min Yoongi spoke after ten minutes of silence. They hadn't spoken a word ever since Jungkook came to stand beside him and lit a cigarette.

Jungkook didn't reply and merely pulled out another cigarette from his almost empty packet. He had picked up his bad habit ever since he broke Taehyung's heart. His smoking had worsened, packets of cigarettes now littering the inside of their trashcan at home. He didn't even try to hide his habit anymore, his father getting angry at him wasn't hurting him anymore, he couldn't feel anything anymore.

"You should've seen this coming though. It was stupid to date him before his eighteenth birthday", the other continued. The cigarette in the alpha's hand snapped in two, the sudden action making the older stare at the trembling hand. "Jungkook-"

"You don't think I didn't know that?", the boy gritted out, teeth tightly clenched, "You don't think I broke his heart just so he could unite with his mate without me in the picture?"

Yoongi stared down at the ground, "I didn't know that".

"Of course you don't. You presume and assume like everybody else in this school", Jungkook growled, hand balling into a fist, crushing the cigarette, "You're no different than the rest of them".

He dropped the cigarette onto the ground and left. It occurred to him that walking into school wasn't a better situation to be in. But today wasn't about good situations. Today was about surviving, baring the pain and going home with an empty heart.

The second he walked into school, he froze.

He could smell the scent in the air. He could picture the face it belonged to. He could imagine the smile on his beautiful lips. Lips he wasn't allowed to kiss anymore, lips belonging to an omega that wasn't his anymore.

Taehyung stood by the lockers, back leaning against them as Sooyun had one arm wrapped his waist, tightly holding onto what was his. There was a group of people crowding around them, presumably asking them about the mate bond.

The blonde seemed happy from the way he was laughing, though Jungkook could tell things were wrong. The sparkle in his eyes had faded, his smile wasn't as bright as it had been and his blonde hair hadn't been combed the right way.

He looks tired, Jungkook realized, but then shook his head. Of course Taehyung would've have been affected by their last date. But he was obviously trying to get better and he would get better with his true mate by his side.

Sooyun noticed him and excused himself, giving the omega a peck on his blonde hair. Taehyung seemed to question it and his eyes flitted over to where his mate was pointing at. The alpha's eyes made contact with his and for a mere second time stood still.

His heart cracked.

Taehyung sent him a small smile but he couldn't give him anything back. There were tears threatening to pour out and he wasn't going to be a crybaby in the middle of the hallway.

That's why he quickly turned around and walked away, knowing that Sooyun was going after him. The younger alpha fell into step with him and stretched, clearly feeling smug today. "Didn't I tell you he belongs to me?"

"I realized he was your mate when we met in the classroom", Jungkook spoke, voice laced with a heaviness he couldn't explain. He was just so tired of everything, tired of seeing Taehyung with someone else, tired of the pain his heart went through every goddamn day, "That's why I broke things off with him right before his birthday. I figured it was selfish to keep him away from his true mate".

This silenced Sooyun, the boy seemingly in shock at the information. "So you do have some decency".

"The things I did wrong have been long in the past. I wish people would just forget about past me and move on", Jungkook sighed and then turned around, knowing the other would never actually stop hating him for everything he did, "I hope you and Taehyung will be happy".

The other opened his mouth but closed it again, a deep frown etched onto his face. He curtly nodded and watched Jungkook walk off.

It was weird going back to solitude & loneliness when you've gotten used to being around someone. It had been his life for so many years but after just three months of meeting the younger omega, his former lifestyle had shattered into pieces. It were pieces he couldn't glue back together anymore, pieces that would be broken forever, maybe just like he was.

He sat alone in the library once again, stomach rumbling and fingers itching to light a cigarette and fill his lungs with toxic smoke. His eyes were casted down, seemingly reading the book in front of him but too unfocused to do so.

A drop landed onto the thin paper of the book, staining a certain word and making the page wrinkle once it'd dry. Jungkook was crying in the library again, silent tears traveling down his face as they rapidly hit the pages beneath him. With a heavy arm he shoved the book away, letting his tears hit the table instead.

He then stood up and walked to the familiar book rack he had once broken down behind.

Sadly, this time, there was no omega who'd kiss away his tears. There was no omega to comfort him, to get mad at and run away from.

The omega wasn't with him anymore.

And the thought made him cry even more.

If anyone ever accidently by any chance drew some fanart of one of my books then that would maybe really make me really happy idk just a thought woops.

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