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Taehyung felt like he was drowning inside of himself, the need to gasp for air high but impossible. He was going down, sinking underneath the waves of his own body as he could see his own eyes flash blue.

Jungkook was so far away and he tried reaching out a hand but his body wasn't responding to him. He wanted to scream out to him but only a growl came out of his mouth, a sound that didn't belong to him.

"Taehyung, please listen to me".

The alpha's voice sounded so soft, too gentle with an omega like him. His eyes were glowing red but his face didn't show any trace of anger as he softly cupped the blonde's cheek. "Please, accept me as your mate", the boy spoke but it was futile when the wolf only growled back.

Taehyung tried swimming back up to control but some force was pushing him back, pushing him into the depth of his own consciousness.

"I know you can hear me", Jungkook said, harshly pinning the omega against the bed as he started squirming again, "Taehyung, the principal told me something that would work if this failed. I need your agreement with it but I can't seem to reach you".

You're reaching me!, Taehyung wanted to yell but no words came out.

"Since I sucked up Sooyun's power there is apparently some of his wolf inside of me, meaning that I can get it out if I let my powers out", the raven haired boy explained as he stared deep into the blue orbs, searching for any sign of Taehyung, "If your wolf senses it then maybe he will accept me but- it means I will have to completely let my wolf go".

The boy swallowed.

"That means that I won't have any control of what happens", Jungkook's voice dropped, worry flashing in his eyes, "I don't know if he'll try to attack you or- worse".

I trust you, Taehyung wanted to say, You won't hurt me. You're not that kind of alpha anymore.

Jungkook sighed as the omega merely bared his teeth at him. "I'm not going to get a reply from you", he whispered, "If this goes wrong, please call out to the maids and let them take me down".

Taehyung watched how the boy flexed his muscles and closed his eyes. He was left to stare at the alpha hovering over him, seeing him slowly get more worked up.

Collecting all of his anger, Jungkook began to feel his wolf trying to claw out of his conscience. The low growls inside of his throat started getting louder until one roar was enough to make his wolf pop out and Jungkook was pushed down into his own consciousness.

Taehyung gasped as the other's eyes opened, a purple glow now taking place instead of the usual red one. The omega whimpered and a soft, "Alpha?", was let out of his mouth.

It recognizes Sooyun's power, Taehyung realized and he grew ecstatic at his newfound information until a strong hand was placed onto his chest, almost crushing the bones beneath him.

Shit, Jungkook's wolf is really powerful, Taehyung cursed and felt his body flinch as the alpha above him let out a loud growl into his face, And pissed as well.

"Are you accepting me now!?", the alpha's voice ran like a bulldoze over the other's body, making it fall flat and still against the bed, "Do you recognize your alpha?"

The other's body heaved up and down, claws beginning to dig into the omega's skin. The blonde let out a cry as blood began to seep out of the wound. "You're not him", he could hear his own wolf bite back at Jungkook.

"Of fucking course I'm not him!", the alpha barked back, "But I am your mate now so accept the truth before I punch it into you!"

Taehyung and his wolf let out a loud cry at the hand that had made contact with his face after that, the sting burning. "Is having one mark of me on your body not enough?", the alpha heaved, "I can make more if you're such a needy bitch!"

Another hand slapped him against his face, his head lolling to the other side from the impact. Taehyung was shocked at what was happening, but understood where this was coming from. These weren't them, these were their wolves, finally coming face to face and talking to each other. They weren't going to be civilized, it was never their intention to be so. They were beasts who lived off mate bonds, emotions such as lust and pride.

Taehyung and Jungkook had been ignoring their wolves but now they were out and about and it was sure going to get painful.

"I want my true mate!", his omega snapped, face still turned to the left as he glared at the alpha from the corner of his eye.

"He's dead! His wolf doesn't exist anymore!", Jungkook growled, hand now wrapping around the boy's neck, "I'm the one now. I am your alpha!"

The omega started choking and Taehyung had never felt this breathless before in his life. Together with the feeling of drowning, his body was now actually lacking oxygen.

"I have his power now", the alpha spoke, "I'm the next best thing you can get".

Taehyung felt as if his face was getting as blue as his eyes were glowing. His wolf really needed to get to making a compromise now or they'd get killed.

"You're just a second choice", his omega spat, "Can you really live with that?"

The alpha huffed and released the other's neck, making his head drop back onto the pillow. Taehyung wheezed for air, the oxygen flowing in only making him choke on it. "Being a second choice is better than not being a choice at all".

"Fine", the omega gasped for air, his gaze still fixated into a scowl, "Alpha".

Both of the boys tumbled back into control of their body.

Taehyung couched and wheezed as both of his hands reached for his own throat. Jungkook dropped down next to the blonde, body trembling as he watched Taehyung's blood drip from his nails.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered as the red liquid slipped down his hands, "I- I couldn't stop him".

Taehyung shook his head, "It's alright". He could only whisper as his throat hurt from the previous power being exerted on it, "They just needed to talk, that's all".

A tear escaped out of Jungkook's eye as the blood that stained his skin was that of his mate. Mate, it was so weird to call him that. They were officially mates.

"I was so scared he would kill you", he whispered. It didn't matter that they were mates now. His first priorities were making sure Taehyung was alright, mentally and physically.

"But he didn't", Taehyung smiled and rested his head against the other's, "And I trusted you".

Jungkook gulped as he felt the tingles spreading between them, "Could you hear me?"

"Yes", the omega smiled and he sighed in content at the tingles he felt, now by touching the right person. Jungkook was his mate now, his real mate.

Maybe the marking process hadn't been filled with love and pleasure, like it was with other couples, but it was still a fact that the mark on his body now belonged to Jungkook.

And it's not like they were a normal couple to begin with.

Taehyung turned on his side to hug the other but gasped when his gaze fell onto something, "You still have the gash on your abdomen".

Jungkook peered down and hummed as he noticed the dried up blood on his skin where his shirt had ridden up, "It'll heal pretty fast. I'm an alpha after all".

The blonde huffed, "Still- you shouldn't strain yourself".

"You shouldn't either", Jungkook replied as he reached out a hand to brush away the strands of hair falling into Taehyung's eyes, "Maybe we shouldn't strain ourselves together".

"You mean staying here in bed with you, my one true mate? Seems definitely alright to me".

Fanart on top made by taekook_licious!!!

I don't know how long this book will be. I had every chapter planned out until the next two ones. After that I have nothing lmao

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