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Boxes littered the ground as the apartment got emptier and emptier until only the original furniture was left. The place carried the same atmosphere as it had done months ago, when Taehyung and Jungkook hadn't moved into it yet. Now, they were moving out already, leaving the tiny apartment in their small town to make haste towards a big city.

Jungkook had gotten a scholarship in Seoul University where he would be able to live on campus. He was going to study bio engineering there for five whole years, his student loan paid by the university.

The alpha had been ecstatic when receiving the letter in their mailbox one day. The joy quickly died down when realizing he'd be leaving his father and his mate behind for five years and soon the letter contained tear drops. "I'll come with you", Taehyung had said as he rubbed soothing circles on the boy's back, "Maybe I can get into a cheap college there instead of the nearest community college here".

They talked about it all night, the moon high in the sky as their soft mumbles filled the lit up apartment. "Where would you live?", Jungkook asked. He had realized that being able to stay away from each other for long periods of time was impossible for both of them. They were also aware of the fact that Jungkook couldn't let this golden opportunity slip and so they discussed housing matters. "I'm not allowed to bring someone with me to the dormitories".

"One of my cousins lives in Seoul", Taehyung spoke after thinking about it for a moment, "I haven't seen her in a year and she probably has no idea that I've been kicked out of my house but we were really good friends before she went to college and started working in Seoul".

It was a small chance and Taehyung had little hope that his cousin would let him stay at her place. He wasn't sure if she had a boyfriend or not and if she'd be fine with letting a bastard son that got kicked out of his home live with her.

He had called her a week after while Jungkook was out to visit his father. They talked about what happened and how Taehyung needed a place to stay at in Seoul. She was understanding, so incredible understanding, and Taehyung cried happy tears when she allowed him to stay with her.

Jungkook was immediately pulled into an embrace as he walked inside of the apartment. "She accepted!", he beamed brightly as his mate's eyes widened, "I'm coming to Seoul with you!"

And so when August came around and the new semester was right around the corner, the boys began to pack. Taehyung, who had been busy filling boxes with clothes and books, heard their mail box fall shut. He wiped the sweat of his brow and walked to the front door where a small envelop had fluttered onto the ground.

With furrowed eyebrows he picked it up and turned it around, seeing it was addressed to him. "What is it?", Jungkook asked as he saw Taehyung halt in the middle of the living room when he had opened the envelop. The boy's jaw hardened and soon the boy's face colored a dark red. "What's wrong?"

Taehyung threw the envelop on the ground as his two hands grabbed onto the letter, the paper shaking as the boy's arms shook in anger. "Unbelievable", he spat, "Un-fucking-believable".

Jungkook carefully neared the omega, hesitant as he could feel the anger radiating off him. "What is it Taehyung?" The boy's head snapped up once he heard his name and soon the letter was pushed against Jungkook's chest.

The alpha looked down and grabbed the letter as Taehyung released it before leaning down to grab the envelop again. Jungkook's eyes scanned the letter and his frown deepened. "It's from your father?"

"How fucking dare he?", Taehyung seethed as he fished out the small card that had been attached to the letter, "Who does he think I am?" His long legs stalked towards the kitchen and he began rummaging through drawers until he found what he was looking for.

Jungkook glanced up and saw the scissors in Taehyung's hand and his legs immediately sprinted towards him, "Wait-".

Taehyung's eyes stood shocked as the alpha snatched the scissors from the boy's hold. "We should think about this".

"How are you even considering anything? I won't accept his fucking money", the omega snapped as he stared at the credit card in his hand. His father, the coward that he was, had sent him a credit card with money on it - a lot of money - and had given him the code for it.

To help you in Seoul, it said, together with a lot of bullshit about being sorry for letting him get kicked out and still loving him and blablabla absolutely garbage if you asked Taehyung.

"We're not that pathetic", Taehyung continued as he snatched the scissors back from Jungkook, who let the boy do as he pleased, "I don't want him to see this as paying off his guilt. I will not use this guilt ridden money".

"I understand", the alpha nodded and took a step back. He could only imagine the amount of money that was on that card but he watched as Taehyung cut the card in half, now useless as it scattered onto the counter top.

Taehyung let out a deep sigh, "We'll make it without his help".

And so they began packing their boxes again to move to Seoul, still a bit poor but at least prideful.

Jungkook cried into his father's arm for at least half an hour, almost making them late for their train. Namjoon had a few tears running down his face as well, which were wiped away by Jimin, the man smiling at his newfound lover with fondness.

"Take good care of yourself", Namjoon had spoken, his throat scratchy from trying to swallow down his sobs, "Call me if anything happens- no, just call me whenever- call me until it annoys me".

"Which is like, never", Jungkook smiled, his eyes still rimmed red as his left hand was tightly clutched into Taehyung's, "I love you dad".

Taehyung had quickly hugged the two older man goodbye as well and then they were on the train to Seoul.

Seoul. Where their new life would start. They'd meet new people, live life as all college students would and of course, enjoy their new mate bond.

They'd fight, they'd smile, they'd kiss and they'd cry but most of all, they'd love.

They had a love that had overpowered everything, a love that couldn't be stopped and pushed and pushed until it was satisfied.

They were drawn to each other from the first time their eyes met and against all better judgement they had always returned to each other, like magnets, even if it seemed toxic in other people's eyes.

Because that was their love.

Their love was special. Their love was a wild fire, burning and everlasting.

It took only an inhale of smoke to get addicted, it would burn through their bodies until they were burnt up inside but they would always go back to breathe in more.

That was their love.

Their love was worse than nicotine.

And that was the end folks!

Start: 9th of February 2020

End: 1st of April 2020

If you liked this story please consider supporting me through ko-fi (something like patreon) it would be much appreciated :) link is in my bio!

If there are any questions, feel free to ask! And if not, thank you so much for reading 💕 I really hope you enjoyed it. I hope to see you guys in my other books or anywhere else on this app :)

There might be a sequel of this story! It might take a while but if you want to read one, there will be one.


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