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Jungkook was slammed into a locker, his head painfully hitting the metal behind him. Groaning at the impact and the fist that was now suddenly making an entrance as it hit his stomach, he thought that it had taken longer than he had expected for this to happen.

He knew people were angry about the fact that he was dating Taehyung now. Especially the popular crowd ever since he took Taehyung away from Sooyun. They weren't scared of him and so it was evident that they would threaten or hurt him.

He just hadn't expected the threats to begin the moment he walked into the locker room to get ready for PE. And he certainly hadn't expected there to be more people than one. Did they need backup or something? Did they think Jungkook would attack them like he mindlessly attacked students when he was a hormonal teenager? He felt a bit offended.

Another hit was inflicted on his stomach and Jungkook wondered what his stomach had ever done to deserve this kind of treatment. He wasn't sure why he was letting this guy hit him because now his knees were buckling and his back was sliding down against the locker.

"Stay the fuck away from Taehyung", some guy in the back yelled but Jungkook's vision had went too blurry to identify who it was. Another blow hit him, this time against the side of his head, and he was sure if he was human, it would have been enough to make him pass out.

His wolf wasn't too happy with all the pain surging through his body. It also wasn't too happy with the fact Jungkook wasn't doing anything to stop the pain from happening. The alpha merely gritted his teeth and kept accepting the punches given to him.

He was afraid that if he let anger win over, his wolf would do something he'd regret. He couldn't handle attacking someone again, waking up to a bloody scene once again and then be taken to the police station where his teary eyed father would be waiting for him to come out and take him home.

No, he couldn't go through that again. He left that side of him in the past and it would stay there. If he fought back against these people he'd confirm their suspicions about him. "Why's he not fighting back?", a girl asked as he let out another painful groan.

"Hey big bad wolf, are you dumb?", a boy yelled out, accompanied with another hit to the face. Jungkook could feel his eye socket pulsate and he wondered if werewolves got black eyes too. How long would his bruises last? He wasn't sure but he was surely going to find out.

Suddenly the punches and the pain halted. "Let's leave before the coach suspects anything". And then they were gone.

Jungkook groaned once again, feeling every muscle in his body ache. He tried opening his eyes but he could feel that one of them had slipped shut and the other was blurry through his tears. "There's no way I'm getting out of here without running into a door or wall", he mumbled so he stayed seated onto the floor.

Skipping PE wasn't the worse thing to do, but he felt sad since it was the only class he actually enjoyed. He shuffled his butt to the back of the room where he could hide behind a row of lockers. He didn't want people walking in and seeing his pathetic state so he stayed hidden, trying to let his supernatural powers heal the wounds on his body.

Lunch came around once PE ended and Taehyung started worrying when Jungkook didn't show up. It had been fifteen minutes already and his stomach was grumbling for the fifth time by now but Jungkook still hadn't come outside.

"Did something happen?", he mumbled to himself as he got off the usual bench they shared lunch on and made his way back inside. Knowing PE was Jungkook's class before lunch, he thought that maybe the boy was still on the field, trying to release some energy. Taehyung knew what a joy PE brought to the alpha since he always had too much energy and loved competing against others.

He pushed open one of the dressing rooms so he'd reach the field through the other door, but stopped when he could smell the familiar scent of vanilla. He spun around the room, confused as to why he could smell Jungkook but couldn't see him.

Before he could call out to the boy, the boy was calling out to him. "Taehyung?"

It came from the other side of the room and Taehyung gasped when he found the boy hiding behind a row of lockers. "Jungkook?", he shrieked. Wounds and bruises littered the alpha and his eyes were both shut out of pain. He immediately crouched down to inspect the wounds and Jungkook hissed when he touched one that was located on the side of his head.

"What happened?"

Taehyung's voice was trembling and it made Jungkook's heart ache. Even though his whole body was giving him pain at the moment, his heart ached the worst.

"I suppose telling you I ran into a door, isn't going to be believable?", Jungkook uttered, trying to lighten the atmosphere, but he winced at the realization that his lip was split and one side of his jaw was swollen. Seems like talking was out of question as well.

Taehyung also had no intention of making the situation any lighter. "Who did this?", he asked but then quickly changed his mind, "Don't answer that, it's best if you don't talk".

The omega sighed and plopped down onto the floor, gaze stuck on the other's swollen and bruised face, "I can't believe people would do something like this". He could see Jungkook try to reach out to him, his hand trying to grasp his but his body was aching in pain whenever he tried moving. Taehyung reached out his own hand and intertwined it with the alpha's so he could stop moving.

"We should bring you to the nurse", Taehyung proceeded as his thumb rubbed circles on the other's hand, "But you're in no state to move and I'm not sure if she can move you either".

Jungkook tried shaking his head. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to go outside where people could see him in this state. He just wanted to sit and hide with Taehyung until his wounds had cleared. Surely, the little ones like the ones on his face should be healing by now.

Taehyung seemed to notice something because he gasped after a while, "Your lip is healed already".

Jungkook could feel his lips stop hurting and the pain in his eye was getting better as well. "I'm an alpha, we heal fast", he spoke, without much pain this time.

"You're so lucky, omegas have a tough time healing", Taehyung huffed but he was glad to see the older get better this quickly, "We almost have the same healing span as humans".

"Maybe we can walk to the nurse now?", Taehyung figured, "We should let you get a check up incase any vital organs were hit".

"It won't be that bad", Jungkook immediately shook his head, disagreeing with the other's plan "Punches can't do that much to me".

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed together and with a stern voice he said, "You were a heap of misery when I found you. Punches can do a lot of damage Jungkook".

A staring match ensued.

"I just want to stay with you", Jungkook almost whined, but not really, because he was still an alpha.

Taehyung was still frowning, "I just want you to be alright".

"I'll be alright", the alpha sighed, "Just please sit with me here and I'll be okay". He smiled as he saw the other's stern expression falter, "And then you can feed me food".

The frown was back.

"You cheeky little-"

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