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"Your parents...", Jungkook began as they laid in bed, a warm soft orange glow pouring in from the window, the evening sun going down in the far distance, "They didn't come to the fight, did they?"

Taehyung let out a big yawn as he nuzzled against the older's chest, his fluffy hair tickling the boy's chin. They had just woken up from a nap and neither of them wanted to get up even though their stomachs and bladders were being annoying.

"No, I didn't tell them about the time and place", the omega softly spoke, his arms tightening around his mate's shoulders. He was lying fully on top of the alpha, face squished against the strong chest and arms wrapped around his shoulders as their legs were tangled together.

Taehyung could feel Jungkook's hands running up and down his sides before resting on the small of his back. Just the slightest touch of the alpha was enough for fireworks to explode in his tummy. He had never realized how soothing it was to be around your mate. When he was with Sooyun, he tried ignoring everything he felt around the boy, and so he had never had the full experience of being comfortable around your mate.

Jungkook blew some air out of his mouth, smiling as the blonde strands of hair flew up, "They didn't hear about it from the rest of the town's folk?"

"If they did, they probably didn't care", Taehyung gently bopped his head against the other's chin because of the cold wind, knowing what Jungkook was doing, "I don't think they had expected you to win".

It was a wonder the maids still hadn't gotten curious and tried visiting them. He had at least expected them to stand in front of his door, trying to eavesdrop on whatever was going on in the room. But Taehyung hadn't been able to smell anyone near his room and so he was relieved the maids had followed his orders just perfectly.

Taehyung pushed himself off the warm and comfortable chest to stare in the alpha's eyes. "That will definitely scar", Taehyung tsked as he gently ran his fingers over to the other's cheek where Sooyun had dug his claws into.

"Doesn't matter", Jungkook smiled and he grabbed the hand, pulling it away from his face and intertwining their fingers, "The only thing that matters is the boy in my arms".

The blonde rolled his eyes at that and a soft chuckle left his lips. His eyes flitted from the other's dark orbs to his lips until they landed on the side of his face. "How's your jaw by the way? I thought I could hear the bone break when Sooyun punched you".

"Yeah it hurt like a bitch but like I told you, alphas heal fast", Jungkook nodded and with his other hand he poked the side of the jaw Sooyun had hit, "It still stings but I can feel it healing, I don't even think it's broken anymore".

"Being an alpha sure sounds nice. Being big and sturdy and muscly, if only...", Taehyung huffed and let himself drop down onto the other's body again, knocking the breath out of the boy. "Anyway, I'm hungry but I'm too lazy to move".

Jungkook chuckled and released the hand that was intertwined with the omega's, catching the soft whine that fell from his lips. He smiled and then wrapped one arm around his shoulder and one around his butt, beginning to get up with the boy in his arms.

Taehyung shrieked at the sudden movement and quickly grasped onto the alpha, feeling himself getting lifted off the bed and then he was being carried out of his room. "Jungkook!", he softly screeched, face glowing red.

"Let this big, sturdy and muscly alpha carry you down to the kitchen", Jungkook grinned as they walked through the hallway.

Taehyung was relieved to see that no maid was in sight, hoping they'd stay out of sight until they were in the kitchen. He wasn't sure if he could handle the embarrassment. "I told you not to strain yourself", the boy spoke and he curtly slapped the alpha's chest, "You're wounded as well!"

"But you don't heal as quickly as I do so I will take care of you until you're all better", the raven haired boy smiled, "And besides, we still need to wrap a bandage around your shoulder and chest".

Taehyung then realized he was still shirtless. "Jungkook!", he whispered yelled and quickly covered up his chest. He hadn't cared about his naked torso yesterday during the marking and especially not in their warm bed, hidden underneath the covers.

"They'll think we did something else!", he suddenly realized, his voice now going even softer. He noticed how it must look to others and his ears now matched the color of his face.

Jungkook halted at the bottom of the stairs, "What do you-". Realization seemed to set into him as well as his ears and face suddenly glowed a bright red. "I- no- we'll e-explain", he stuttered and hesitantly continued his way.

It was too late to turn back anyway, a maid that was cleaning the hall had spotted them already. She gave both of them a weird stare but kept her mouth zipped shut, knowing it wasn't her place to say anything. She merely bowed to both of them before continuing her dusting.

The boys glanced at each other and Jungkook followed the omega's directions to where the kitchen was situated. They passed through the empty living room before ending up in the open kitchen where a maid was stuffing fresh vegetables and fruit into the refrigerator. It was evident she had went to the supermarket and had just returned.

After getting over the first initial shock of seeing them together she bowed and then continued doing her job. Another maid soon walked inside and gasped.

"Taehyung", she spoke and rushed over to the boy. The blonde smiled as he saw her. Jungkook sensed that this was the maid he was closest with and it turned out to be right as the woman practically pounced onto the boy, worry evident on her face.

"I heard about the fight!", she said and the other maid in the room froze. "We couldn't go see it because of your parents demanding us to stay inside but I heard-"

"Seri", the other maid hissed and the maid Seri stopped talking, "You shouldn't say things like that. What if they hear?"

"They are both off to work again", Seri rolled her eyes and shushed the other who wanted to reply again, "Don't act as if you weren't worried as well".

"I'm sorry for worrying you", Taehyung mumbled, chest feeling heavy all of a sudden, "I should've told you when coming home".

"Taehyung-", Jungkook interrupted, "We both know that wasn't a priority at that moment".

"I'm just glad you're with the one you wanted to be with in the first place", Seri smiled, "I think we all are". She glanced at the other maid who nodded as well. "We didn't inform your parents about your whereabouts. They have no idea you're back home already and they hopefully don't know who won the fight".

"That's good, let it stay that way for now", Taehyung nodded, "I'll talk to them about it when the time's near".

The maid smiled and then seemed to realize something, "Shall I make something for you two? Some soup? Some noodles? Tell me anything you want and I'll make it".

Not long after the boys were digging into their food, chopsticks poking at the fried noodles with honey ribs they had requested. Even though both of them were content at that moment, it felt like a calm before the storm.

And the storm was heading their way as the front door slammed shut.

I hadn't expected that my last author's note seemed as if I was looking for requests on how to proceed the story (¯ ¯٥) I'm sorry to confuse you guys but I wasn't actually asking for requests  and I won't be using any because I want this story to be as plottwisty as it can be.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the second update?

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