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Taehyung stood awkwardly in front of the moldy caravan, suitcase in hand and practically three sweaters on. Jungkook, who had two suitcases in his hands and a backpack slung around his shoulder, moved past him in order to open the door.

"Jungkook-", the omega's voice faltered at the end as the boy reached towards the door, "I-I can't stay here".

"Taehyung", the alpha replied sternly. They had been having this discussion ever since leaving the other's house, "I am your mate, your alpha, your boyfriend, I should take care of you, protect you. Who would I be to let you sleep on the street?"

"I wouldn't sleep on the street".

"Where else would you go then?", the raven haired boy sighed as he threw the first suitcase inside of the caravan. Since it was almost nighttime, his father was out to do his nightshift at the factory on the outskirts of town. "Taehyung, be honest with me. Do you have anyone else to stay with outside your family?"

The boy opened his mouth, wanting to object and tell him about possible places he could stay in but he faltered again. Thinking about it he realized that there was indeed no one he could stay at. His middle school friends were all back in Daegu, the place he had lived in for seventeen years. But here, in this small town Taehyung's father had funded a new company in, he had no friends.

"I thought so", the alpha sighed and motioned to the caravan, "Let's get you inside before you freeze to death".

Taehyung scoffed as he made his way towards the door, Jungkook grabbing onto the suitcase that was in his hand, "I have three sweaters on, you know? It'll take a long time before I'll become ice".

The alpha rolled his eyes and practically pushed the boy inside, hearing the omega shriek, before stepping in as well. When Taehyung regained his balance, he looked around and his face fell. The caravan was too tiny for three people, Taehyung immediately concluded, and obviously the bed was a problem as well.

"Jungkook", he once again tried but he got a pointed look that quickly shut him up. The alpha dropped the suitcases and maneuvered around them to get closer to his mate. "I know it's not much, but please, it's the only thing I can give you for now".

"You don't have to give me anything Jungkook", he protested, "I'd feel bad relying on both of you".

"It's just for a little while", Jungkook spoke, hand carding through the soft blonde locks he loved so much, "It won't be for long. As soon as we graduate I'll look for a job with a decent pay so we can move somewhere small but better than this caravan".

"W-what?", it was as if the air was knocked out of the omega's lungs, "What? No-no! Jungkook, you have to go to college- study something you want to study, get a job you like".

Taehyung grabbed onto the alpha's collar, shaking him around as if it would knock some sense into him. "You can't give that up for me. Jungkook, you have the chance to do something with your life. You can't throw it all away because of me!"

"But I can. You are my omega", the boy's voice was calm and collected, much softer than the omega's, "I have to make sure you're alright".

"Don't give me that crap", Taehyung sneered, "I might look like a damsel in distress at the moment but I'll manage. You have to go to college, you hear me? Isn't that why you're in the library so much, studying until closing time to get grades that'll get you a scholarship?"

The alpha faltered at that.

"I'm right, aren't I?", Taehyung spoke, looking for an answer in the alpha's eyes, "Are you really willing to throw all of that hard work away because of me?"

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