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Both boys were wide awake in the tent around one am. Taehyung wasn't aware that the other wasn't sleeping but Jungkook could tell by the omega's normal heartrate that he was awake. He had waited for the heartbeat to slow down but it had never happened.

Jungkook tightened his arm around the boy's waist in hopes his presence would lull him to sleep. He brushed against the boy's soft pajamas pants, making the blonde let out a hitched breath.

Taehyung- unaware that the other was awake as well – leant closer into the hold, making it brush against his front again. The older boy felt how the omega shuddered against him and then, a small whimper left his lips.

The alpha's primal instincts jumped out at this sound and in a mere second Taehyung was tugged around, big shocked eyes now meeting the older's. "J-Jungkook", he whispered, the red glow mesmerizing him, "I d-didn't know you were awake".

"Would you have rather I was asleep?", the boy lowly growled out, "Getting off on my unaware touch?"

The omega whimpered again as a rough hand slid into his pajama pants, caressing the boy's hips and thigh. "Jungkook", Taehyung whispered. His voice, even though quiet and barely audible, was filled with lust", "Please-"

The alpha fought against all of his instincts, not wanting this to move too quickly. Taehyung hadn't even given him spoken consent and here Jungkook was, his hand in his pants. "What do you want?", the boy asked as he softly gripped the thigh in his hand, "Tell me. I'll do it".

Taehyung bit his lip and grabbed onto Jungkook's other hand, guiding it down. "I want you to touch me", he whispered, seeing the other's expression darken.

Jungkook knew both of them had no experience with any of this, but that only made it more thrilling. The alpha slipped into the boy's underwear and soon a wavery breath was let out of the omega's mouth. The alpha couldn't resist himself anymore and crashed their lips together as he continued to pleasure the other.

Taehyung's moans were smothered against the older's lips and he desperately rutted against the alpha. Jungkook's other hand was still tightly gripping onto his thigh, probably leaving bruises that would last a week on the boy's fragile skin.

The omega starting squirming, whining and whimpering before a low moan erupted out of his mouth and soon Jungkook could feel the sticky liquid staining his hands. Taehyung wanted to say something but his eyelids slipped shut and he let out a relieved sigh.

"Go to sleep darling", Jungkook whispered before pressing a gentle kiss on the boy's forehead. Taehyung tried protesting, mumbling something about 'you too-' but the alpha merely continued caressing the other's thigh until he fell asleep.

Jungkook sighed and stared at his hand where the white liquid dripped off. He slowly got out of the tent and into the caravan, hoping to clean up at least a bit. His father wasn't home since he had been called for another nightshift and so he could clean his hands in peace.

He wondered if this would become a regular occurrence. Taehyung and him hadn't been dating for long so he worried they'd go too fast. But if both of them were comfortable with it, then surely it should be alright?

He shook his thoughts away and went back to the tent where his omega was fast asleep. The boy was warm, against all expectations since it was winter, and Jungkook cuddled up against him.

Snow slowly began falling around the tent, piling up and creating a blanket of softness.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Taehyung's face burned a bright red during breakfast, earning a few worried glances from Namjoon. "Did you catch a fever sleeping in that tent?", the man tutted, "Should've listened to us. It even started snowing during the night!"

"M'sorry", Taehyung mumbled, "But I'm not sick".

Namjoon wanted to comment about his flustered state but Jungkook gave him a warning glare and he quickly decided to shut up. The boys both quickly dressed themselves for school and packed their lunches, which didn't exist out of a lot like Taehyung had expected.

They began their walk to school, not taking the bus like Taehyung was used to. The omega's ears were still tinted red and Jungkook bit his lip as he stared at the smaller boy.

"Are you embarrassed-"

"Yes", Taehyung cut him off, already knowing what the boy was going to inquire about.

Jungkook frowned and grabbed the straps of his backpack, "It's alright though? It's nothing to be awkward about".

"I thought you were asleep and I tried to- oh god this is too embarrassing", Taehyung could feel his face heat up again and he hid it into his hands, the warmth radiating on his hands, "It'd been without your consent- it's bad".

"I thought it was kind of hot actually", Jungkook shyly admitted and the younger's head snapped up to meet his gaze.

The omega's jaw fell down, "You did?"

Both boys were blushing messes as they entered school, hands now intertwined to serve as strength when the stares around them got too much. Some people came up to cuss at them but more students now smiled at Jungkook, which was a huge contrast to what was before.

Some even came to tell them about their own experiences and thoughts. Some agreed with his actions, some told him he should have just killed the bastards, which Jungkook didn't really agree with but he wasn't bothered to discuss it. Others came to comfort Taehyung or congratulate him about his new & better mate.

"This is... different?", Jungkook started as they sat on their usual bench around lunch. Now there were no snacks to share and no banana milk to sip on. Both boys were equally as broke and it showed as they opened their lunch boxes. Neither of them mentioned the lack of food, though Jungkook stole many worried glances at his thin omega, wondering if he'd survive on this kind of proportions.

"At the end of your last year at school everyone suddenly changes their opinion of you", Taehyung snorted, "If that isn't ironic".

"I'm not complaining", Jungkook shrugged as he shoved some food into his mouth, "Now at least I can end the year without angry glares directed at me as I go get my degree".

The winter air was cold and snow fell down beside them but they refused to go inside. It had been so long since they shared this spot on the bench and nothing could get them away from it.

"Jungkook, I still have something to tell you".

Taehyung could feel the numbers in his pocket burn through the material of his jeans.

"I want to get a job".

I really wanna start writing my new books but I still gotta finish this.

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