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Jungkook was forced to listen in on all the pointless conversations again. The students in the classroom were chattering all around him and it unnerved him to think that no one ever spoke a word to him. Not that he wanted these people to tell him the latest gossips or what they had watched on tv last night. But it would be nice to just listen to someone talk to him, only him.

The alpha busied himself with the book laying in front of him on his desk. He had chosen a seat in the middle of class since it had been the only one left with no seat mate next to. It was normal for him to not have a seatmate because usually the people beside him would move to another table or be scared stiff for the entire duration of class.

Jungkook liked reading since it was one of the only forms of entertainment he had at home. They didn't have a television in their old beat up caravan and so he usually busied himself with reading books he got out of the school's library (they didn't charge a lot) or he'd play cards with his father.

People found his obsession with books a bit odd, as if everything about him didn't already put people off. He could be found sauntering in the library during lunch time or recess. And after school he'd study there since his caravan didn't exactly have a neat desk where he could do his homework on.

Alphas were expected to be tough, extraverted and into sports. And it wasn't as if Jungkook wasn't into sports, no, he actually liked having PE because it was the only class where he could vent his frustrations a bit. But he couldn't exactly join an after school sports team when all the students on the team either hated him or were scared of him.

So that's why he stuck his nose into books and ignored the world around him most of the time. Something he was doing right in that moment when the bell to class rang and the teacher walked in. Beside him stood a blonde smiley omega whose eyes immediately found Jungkook's when the alpha finally looked up.

He had to take a sharp inhale of breath when the teacher introduced the boy and then let him choose a seat. Taehyung, whose cheeks had been rosy from all the attention, immediately stepped forward once the teacher told him to take a seat. He passed by other vacant seats and instead dropped his schoolbag next to Jungkook and took the seat beside him.

The students in class gasped, not so subtly, and it made the teacher raise an eyebrow at Taehyung's choice of seat. It was unusual to see an omega walk so confidently towards an unknown alpha, especially one that was known for his anger issues.

"Hi", the omega smiled, eyes crinkling as he turned towards Jungkook. The alpha still had his mouth open and eyes wide and it evoked a cute giggle out of Taehyung.

Jungkook quickly tried acting casual but he found it hard to be something he was not, especially with all eyes in class trained on him. "Hello", he whispered back and quickly looked to the front where his teacher had set up a PowerPoint.

During class Taehyung seemed to notice the eyes that were still on them and the unsubtle whispers going around. Jungkook saw how the omega frowned and how his lips pulled down when he heard the omega's name being mentioned a couple of times.

"Don't worry about them", Jungkook sighed, voice dropped to a soft whisper so he wouldn't disturb the teacher, "Their lives are so empty that they have to gossip about others to seek fulfillment".

Taehyung looked surprised at the words coming out of the alpha but at least the smile was back on his face which made Jungkook smile as well.

It was almost the end of class and Jungkook had tried his hardest to pay attention to the things he was supposed to learn, but it was proven difficult when there was a pretty and sweet smelling omega sitting right beside him.

In the corner of his eye he could see how the omega grabbed his pencil and started scribbling something on his page before sliding it over to Jungkook.

They're talking about you too. Did I do something wrong?

Jungkook clicked his tongue when he read the message and at the same time could hear his own name coming somewhere from the backseats. He picked up his own pencil and began writing underneath Taehyung's scribbles.

No, don't worry, it's not about you. If anything, they just don't like the fact you're sitting next to me.

He saw Taehyung frown when he scanned over his words and he opened his mouth to say something, probably ask him what Jungkook had meant with it, but the bell rang, interrupting him. Jungkook felt no need to explain himself because he knew that the other students would soon enough do so anyway. So he grabbed his things, pushed them into his backpack and left the classroom, probably leaving a confused omega behind.

It wasn't a surprise to the other students when Jungkook went right past the entrance to the cafeteria and headed into the direction of the library.

The lady as behind the counter smiled at him when he walked by and he shot a small smile back. As expected, the library was mostly empty and it filled Jungkook with a serene feeling. He took a seat at his usual table in the back and fished out an apple and a sandwich his father had made for him. It wasn't much and the bread wasn't soft anymore but it filled his stomach and that was enough for him.

Sometimes, when he didn't want to study or read during lunch, he'd find himself outside, smoking. There would be other students outside, every one of them a stranger to each other, but they would huddle together in silence as they lit their cigarettes.

Jungkook knew one of them, Min Yoongi, a beta that liked being alone more than anything. They never really talked but sometimes they would utter some words when the smoke had disappeared and the silence had become too lonely.

Min Yoongi wasn't a friend, but at least he didn't judge him like the other students did.

A bit more information about Jungkook's life at school. Hope you enjoyed! I'm writing the next chapter right now.

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