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〉 Ava

  We arrive at Endor. We land roughly because the landing gears are busted. We immediately go out the ship.

  We walk to the ocean and see the ruins of the Death Star. "Wha-what is that?" our new droid friend, D-O asks. "That's the Death Star. It's a bad place," Ben replies the droid.

   Poe tells us, "It will take years to find what were looking for." I smirk at him and grab the dagger. I pull the handle and it reveals a point. I shut my other eye and find the exactly shape in the dagger.

   "There's our Wayfinder," I say. Suddenly, some people appear riding a horse-like creatures. Poe, Rey, and Finn raise thier blasters. "Are you Resistance?" she asks and Poe replies, "That depends."

   "We picked up a transmission with someone named Babu Frik," she explains and C-3PO says, "Babu Frik is one of my oldest friend." "He said you would come. He said you are the last hope," she adds.

   "We need to get to that wreak. There's something in there that we need," I explain and she offers, "I can take you there by water. But not now, too dangerous. We go first thing in the morning."

   "We can't wait til tomorrow," I say to the girl. "We don't have time," I add. "We have no choice Ava. We got to get the ship fixed," Poe says as he follows the girl. "Do you have any spare parts?" Finn and Rey also goes to them.

   I sigh and think of a plan. I see a skimmer from  distance and smile. "Ben, come with me," I pull him to the skimmer.

   We use the skimmer to cross the waters. Once we arrive, we climb up to the location of the Wayfinder.

  Once we were up, we walk in the location. The place where it is is dark. I grab Ben's hand. He squeezes it before we walk in.

  We see the wayfinder in the middle. As I grab it, two people start to appear. I look at thier face and see Ben and me in them. "Don't be afraid," they say in unison. They are wearing black clothes and holding a red sabers.

   I grab Ben's hand and run away. I trip which cause they Wayfinder to lose in my grip.

   Zor grab the Wayfinder and stare at it. Ben and I ignite our lightsaber. "Give it to us," I say through my gritted teeth. He crushes the Wayfinder.

   "NOO!!!" Ben shouts and start to attack at him. Ben slashes his lightsaber which Zor ducked. I slash my saber thus time but he slides to the left.

   He ignite my lightsaber and block our sabers. He jumps down and we follow him. We continue our duel outside.

   I point my lightsaber and he blocks it. Ben does an x-twirl before slashing his cape. I uses my saber as a dagger and slash him again.

   "Ava! Ben!" Finn shouts and I screams madly, "NOO!!!" We use the force to push Rey and Finn away from the fight.

   We face him again. "I hate you!" I spats and starts to attack him rapidly. He tries to keep up at my anger. He blocks here and there.

   We jump to the other side and Zor follows. As we land, I point my saber at him. I keep on screaming as I hit his saber multiple times.

   I stop his saber with the force and kicks his leg. He kneels down. Ben tries to hit Zor but he stop it using the force too. I shout madly as Zor stands up. The saber suddenly slips right out his hands. I suddenly grabs the lightsaber and stab his side.

Suddenly, I feel Leia's presence is gone. "Leia," I breathed out. I look at Ben and he falls down on the ground.

   Zor struggle to breathe before looking at me. My tears flows down my eyes. I walk to him and say, "You can change. I believe that." I walk to Ben.

  "Ben," I embraces him and he hugs me tightly. "It's alright. I'm here," I assure him. "Don't also leave me," he cries.

   "I'll never leave you..."

   "I'm stuck with you..."

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