The Manor

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"J-Johnny...?" Mavis whispered, her voice quivering.

Johnny slowly turned his head towards her. He wasn't angry. He wasn't sad. He was...shocked. His mouth was slightly agape, and she felt the butterflies in her stomach disintegrate, and was replaced by the deep sickening feeling.

Johnny looked at his finger, it had bite marks, but they slowly disappeared. The bleeding stopped as well.

Mavis was scared. Would Johnny leave her? Would he hate her?

"They're pointed! Mavis, look." Mary Beth walked over to pull her up. Mavis felt her ears, and the hair on her neck stood on end.

They were pointed, like those of an elf. Like her dad's, her grandma's, Lily's, Claude's, and Aria's...

Johnny started giggling. Giggling? What's so funny?

He poked at her ears, rubbing them with his thumb and forefinger.

" look like an elf!" Johnny said. He cracked on the last word, and burst out laughing.

Mavis felt like laughing too, but she still felt dreadful about biting his finger.

But he obviously didn't hate her, which made her feel better.

Mary Beth saw the stars fading, and cleared her throat.

"Mavis, Johnny, follow me. Dawn is among us, so we must hurry to my manor. Mavis, I will help carry Johnny, we will be flying."

Mavis didn't question her demand, she just felt a little uneasy about suddenly being told what to do like an obedient pet.

Mavis twirled into a bat, big bright blue eyes and all, and grabbed Johnny's left shoulder, and Mary Beth took the right.

Aria waved goodbye as they flew South.

Upon hills and valleys far from the busy city streets, lay a Mansion, made from dark red bricks and black doors. It was beautiful, and they flew faster, seeing the scorching light creep up the sides of the hills.

They landed Johnny gently upon the stairs leading to the door, and turned back into human form.

Mary Beth snapped her fingers and the two large doors before then slowly creak inward, revealing bat themed tapestry and old knight armor lining long halls that seemed to go on for eternity. A large fireplace stood in the center, flames glowing. On each side of the fireplace were grand staircases.

Each lead to the giant doorway, and lead to a hallway, illuminated by torches lined on the sides.

The walls were black and gray polished marble, with gray pillars covered in garland. Paintings of Mavis's mother, Martha, sitting by her mother, Mary Beth. There were paintings of fellow vampires, and ancestors.

"Wow! Grandma, this place is amazing!" Mavis exclaimed while she looked at all the details, acting like a child in a candy store. "The hotel was huge, but this place has beautiful decor! I love the paintings."

A black cat with lime green eyes and white paws walks up to Mavis.

The doors shut behind them.

"Nia. Please show our guests of honor to their room." Mary Beth said to the cat. The cat jumped up and morphed into an Asian girl, about 15 in age, wearing a French maid-like outfit. "Hai, Mary Beth-sama,"

Nia bowed at Mary Beth, and kept smiling.

"This way, please," she said ever so kindly with her thick Japanese accent.

They climbed one of the staircases leading to the doorway, and walked inside the hallway, and the first door on the right was theirs.

"Hai, here is your bedroom, syonnara!" Nia smiled and walked farther down the hall.

There were two queen sized beds, a nightstand in between them. The bed on the right was made of dark cherry wood, it had dark red sheets and comforter, and black pillows. Mavis removed the bedding, to find the base of the bed, which was shaped like a coffin.

Johnny chose the other bed, which was exactly like Mavis's, only dark blue. But his bed also had a coffin under it. He'd never slept in a coffin before, but Mavis seemed content.

Johnny's never slept in...a literal death bed. He looked at his phone, 6:18 a.m., and he was quite tired. Apparently so was Mavis. She slid into the coffin, which had light pink bedding and black lace trimming.

He decided to try it. Before Mavis closed the top of the coffin, he walked over to her, and scooted in right next to her. They were facing each other, and he embraced her. He kissed her forehead.



"Are we ever going to...settle down?"

Johnny started blushing, his heart racing. Kids? Does she even understand what happens when...?


"I'm sorry...I've just never expected to hear that. But...I don't know. It all depends on what the future holds. Just do what I do, babe. Let everything happen. Go with the flow. Let Lady Luck do her bidding, ya know? I mean... we're still young."

"I just...want to spend my life with you Johnny. Forever if I may. But...I live longer than humans...I don't want to grow old and you already be gone." Mavis shed a tear, and hugged him tighter.

Johnny held her closer, laying his chin on top of her jet black hair. She cried silently.

He let her. Crying is good to let out any emotions, he'd learned. But the question still resonated in his head.

Settling down?


Does she even know where babies come from?

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