Beggining of a new trust between two hearts

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The next morning, Aoi begun her day on checking up the boys, it went well so far but they still couldn't go on missions. It has been 2 days since the battle with Rui has passed and there weren't missions reported lately to which the Hashiras got their day offs.

It felt strange having a day off but it was good to be able to relax anyways, everyone is still on guard in case the crows would have something to report to them.

They either spent their morning with training or relaxing. Some of them personally strolled around nearby towns or villages in case if there were nearby demons but there were none so far.

Aoi's POV:

Ahhhh...What a beautiful afternoon in the forest, its so nice to take a walk here good thing there is nothing to do and the Hashiras have taken a break also.

I should get back at butterfly estate by 5 or demons will catch me here. Its 4:30 now so i should go back. Then after 5 minutes I got back and went to the infirmary, the three were sitting and they were just chatting but I didn't want to interrupt so I head to the kitchen to cook for everyone.

The Hashiras usually gather together in the Butterfly Manor whenever they had spare time or don't have missions to take.

It was 7:00pm and everyone gathered and i already prepared their meals and served it to everyone. I had to wait for everyone to be done eating because I didn't want to eat with them so I went to the garden, the place has flowers blooming but not really a lot of different ones.

I went to my favorite flowers which are Hydrangea, Blue Delphiniums and Water Lilies. Oh how beautiful they look under the moonlight.

The only sounds I can so far hear are the rustling leaves, the birds chirping and the light rippling water. I sat under the tree where it was most near to the Blue Delphiniums.

And the best part is there are fireflies here by night, which makes the mood nicer. I leaned myself more onto the tree and let out a contented sigh.

Then I hear some people calling me? The sound of the voices were so familiar and as I faced the directions of the voices, I saw the trio, I was hoping it was all a hallucination but I guess fate hated me.

-(Tanjiro)"Aoi-sama there you are!"
-(Me)"What's wrong with you guys?"
-(Zenitsu)"We saw you weren't there and the Hashiras were delighted by your cook and they expected you to be there but you weren't so we came to look for you."
-(me)"Thanks guys...but I have already eaten so you guys don't need to worry about me"
-(Inosuke)"Can you make more tempura tomorrow?! Because I want to eat again!"
-(Me)"Sure! And thanks guys for saying you love the food I made."
-(Tanjiro)" You made the Hashiras happy, the Water pillar didn't smile though but we can tell he enjoyed it because he said that if he was on his deathbed your cook will be the last option he will eat before he dies."
-(Me)"Awww..thats sweet!"
-(Tanjiro)"We're gonna head back now. Bye!"
-(Me)" I will see you guys later."

When I got back the dishes were washed, the table is cleaned,everything was organized! But i wonder who cleaned all this? Oh well I better check on the boys if they're asleep. When i checked their room they were all awake but I saw how they were drinking their medicines so I let them be.

(Next Morning) (this ain't Aoi's pov anymore)

Aoi woke up at 5 to prepare everyone meals including for the Hashiras when it was around 6, she finshed cooking and then left a note on the table saying

      "Hashiras, thank you for finishing what I've made yesterday dinner and I hope you guys will like your breakfast also.

   From, 💙 Aoi kanzaki💙

   She leaves the kitchen the headed to the infirmary. She slowly opens the door, entered the room and began shaking the three lightly so they would wake up. Inosuke was excited for his food the most, which is why he nearly jumped off his bed when he was woken up.

-(Inosuke)" Where's my tempura?!!"
-(Aoi)" You'll have it later in lunch! And you guys meet me on the backyard for training."

Inosuke was disappointed and you could see smokes coming out of his boar mask but Tanjiro held his arms just so he won't jump on Aoi.

-(Zenitsu and Tanjiro)" yes Aoi"

Then Aoi went out to the backyard waiting for the boys. Then after 5 minutes they arrived.

-(Aoi)" Your training today is about how fast you are and how good your reflex is. Now the first round is you guys are gonna try to catch Kanao its more on tag. The second one is to try to spill tea on me and you can also block the cup that I grab and make sure you don't get spilled. Got that?"

-(the three)" yes Ma'am"
-(Aoi)" now, Tanjiro you first to try and catch Kanao. Ready?"
-(Tanjiro)"I am ready!"
-(Aoi) "Ready...Set...Go!!"
Then they started the training, Tanjiro nearly catch up to Kanao but because she had much faster reflex, she dodged him easily. Then it was Zenitsu's turn. Yes, he is pretty fast but couldn't catch Kanao though and it was Inosuke's turn, he also couldn't catch up.

Then onto the next round. The first against Aoi was Tanjiro. They began but Tanjiro got splashed  right before he was going to block her cup and he failed same goes for Zenitsu and Inosuke, they failed. The three was told to return to their room since it was already 9am and they had to rest.

Tanjiro and zenitsu went to their room but Inosuke followed Aoi who was going to the garden, She later noticed that Inosuke was following her so she asked if he wanted something but he did not say anything so he followed her because she was going to the tree again.

-(Aoi)" Inosuke are you alright?"
-(Inosuke)" yeah..."
-(Aoi)" why do you wear that boar mask?"
-(Inosuke)" its because this is the boar that raised me and she was killed."
-(Aoi)" sorry to here that"
-(Inosuke)" its nothing to worry about"
-(Aoi)" where's your mother anyways?"
-(Inosuke)"that's none of your business"
Then Aoi was looking at the flowers in the garden while sitting down under her favorite tree.

-(Aoi)"Inosuke you should take off your boar mask because it might cause a smell"
-(Inosuke)"no way i'm doing that!"

Aoi tries to take the boar mask off inosuke and she succeeded and when she looked at Inosuke's face she was mesmerized by the beauty of his face. His bright green eyes were beautiful.

-(Inosuke)" hey give it back!!"
-(Aoi) " no, Inosuke! You need to wash this you know?!"
-(Inosuke)" I don't want to!"
-(aoi)"fine! here!"

She gave the mask and inosuke just placed it on his side and grab Aoi's body and placed her on his lap then proceeds to hug her by the waist. Aoi was blushing and Inosuke was happy because to him he just found out that she means alot to him. Inosuke rests his face on Aoi's shoulder.

-(Aoi)"uhh...Inosuke why did you make me sit in your lap?"
-(Inosuke)" its nothing, I just want you with me."
-(Aoi)"Inosuke what did happen to your mother?"
-(Inosuke)"I am not sure actually because all i know is that I was raised by boars and thats it. "
-(Aoi)" Don't be sad inosuke, because you have me."

Inosuke was surprised about what Aoi just said, he tightened his hug and sighed contentedly.

-(Inosuke)" You're right Aoi, atleast I have you"

He was very happy because he has his precious person wrapped in his arms. The night was silent, yet, comforting. 

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