Chapter 2

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I've been driving on autopilot for ten minutes with no destination in mind. My only goal is to escape. Now that I look around at the open fields and a familiar red barn, I realize I'm driving toward my university.

I'm not going to turn around. Even though there are still a few days left of winter break, I need to get out of town.

I have no plans. I don't even have anything packed. Suddenly, it hits me, anxiety spreading through me like wildfire. I'll have to go back home eventually. I really can't handle being in the same place as him, there are memories everywhere.

My phone buzzes on the console, and I answer it without looking. "Hello."

"Hey, girl!" Caroline's voice booms through the speakers of my car, startling me. "I wanted to check in on how operation closure was coming. Are you doing okay?"

What a loaded question.

Glancing behind at my blind spot, I turn on my turning signal, and get ready to switch lanes. "I'm on my way to you now. Do you mind if I fill you in when I get there?"

I hope she'll take that answer for now because I'm distracted enough as it is. Trying to fill her in while I drive would not bode well.

Her voice softens. "Of course. Let's have a girl's night."

A small smile forms on my face. "That sounds great."

She shrieks. "Ooh! I know, I'll order pizza and grab booze!"

Caroline moved out of our shared room at the sorority house last year into a small two bedroom apartment, giving us a new spot to relax when we don't want to go for a wild night out. Alcohol isn't allowed at the sorority house. Caroline is a senior and helps me not take things too seriously, while I motivate her to focus. Lighthearted study dates were regular occurrences; she'd bring the Little Debbie snacks, and we'd spend hours quizzing each other and offering feedback for presentations.

I don't drink very often, and if I do it's only a little. Although friends invited me to parties and bars, I chose to spend my time with Logan. Leaving few opportunities to actually enjoy it.

"Alcohol doesn't solve the world's problems, but it might solve ours for the night." She jokes.

Caroline's big personality always cheers me up. She has an answer or sassy comeback for everything. We haven't seen one another over break, and, after the week I've had, I'm in need of her optimism, sarcasm, and humor.

"Lord knows I need it. Do you have any idea how many tours I've given over this break?" Caroline works in the admissions department at our school, giving tours to prospective students. "You aren't going to believe some of the weird questions I get when parents aren't listening." she giggles.

"I can't wait to hear them. I'm going to stop for gas. I'll see you when I get there." I hang up the phone and pull into the gas station.

Once the car is off, I send my parents a text message.

Lorraine: Hey, Care was feeling lonely in a college town by herself. I'm going to stay for the night. I'll see you tomorrow sometime.

Thirty seconds later, my phone rings. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for twenty questions. My parents and I get along, but they can be overbearing. They always want all the details of my brother, Cody and I's life.

"Hey, Mom." I try to sound chipper.

"Hello, my beautiful daughter! It's me, your mother," she says with a sing-song voice.

I roll my eyes. "That would explain why the caller ID said 'mom' when I answered."

"Okay, sassy frass," she teases. "You're on speaker by the way, your dad and I are driving to your brother's."

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