Chapter 30

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Winter break was over and classes are back in session.

I had such a great time with Lucas over break. We went sledding, had game night with his parents, baked with my family, and just spent time together.

After Christmas, his parents called me and told me how much they enjoyed meeting me, spending time with me, and invited me to family game night.

Boyfriend's parents' approval... check.

Currently, Kristina and I are heading to the coffee shop on campus. Our classes aren't in the same building, but they're close so we drove together.

Today it's a raging 15 degrees out. So a large hot coffee sounds perfect.

Plus, it's needed if I am going to get through this 8 am class.

Kristina ran to the bathroom when we arrived so I ordered for both of us, and am waiting by myself for my coffee to be ready.

To Lucas: I can't wait to see you today!

Lucas is still at his parents' house. He didn't have any classes today, so he decided to stay home one extra day. His parents wanted to do a family breakfast this morning before he left to come back. He should be back by the time my first class gets out.

"Lorraine." I hear a familiar voice I haven't heard in awhile.

I look over at a hesitant Logan.

"What are you doing here?" I ask surprised. "I thought you were still doing classes online?"

"I am." He says dropping his head in embarrassment. "I had to withdraw from a class last spring, didn't want a failing grade on my transcript."

I nod my head.

"So I have to come here in the mornings three times a week to take the class in person." He adds.

"Lorraine." The barista calls my name.

I go up to the counter and grab the two drinks.

"Have a good semester." I say half heartedly before walking away.

"Wait." He says touching my arm softly.

I stop and look at his unwelcome hand.

Noticing my expression he removes it and returns it to his side.

"I was hoping I wouldn't run into you." He says nervous.

I give a dry chuckle. "Well that makes two of us."

"I see from your pics, you have a boyfriend." He stares.

I purse my lips together. I don't know how to react.

"You look happy." He observes.

"I am." I say undoubtedly.

He closes his eyes briefly and takes a deep breath. "I just want to say sorry for everything that happened last year."

I freeze.

"I know I didn't handle it well" He continues, "I didn't treat you well. And for that I'm sorry."

I look at him surprised.

"What's going on here?" I interrogate him, my eyebrow raised.

"Just an apology." He defends. "Our break up was a low point for me and it took me a long time to realize that what I did was wrong, how I acted was not okay."

I continue to eye him suspiciously for a few seconds.
"I forgive you." I say blowing on my hot coffee.

"You do?!" He asks shocked.

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