Chapter 12

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"Kiss me."

"Are you sure?" Colton whispers, his face inching closer to mine.

"Yes." I breathe.

"I don't do relationships," he murmurs, but somehow it seems as if he's saying it more to himself than to me.

I stare at his plump lower lip, as his tongue swipes across it slowly. "I'm not looking for a relationship, Colton. I'm looking for a distraction."

His lips meet mine. There's no more denying our attraction for each other, as we both give into the primal kiss, lust emanating off each other. For once, I'm giving in.

My whole body heats up, yet a shiver runs down my spine. A moan forms in my chest, threatening to escape when his mouth moves to my neck. I fight as long as I can, but when he lightly nibbles my neck, I lose all resolve. "Lock the door."

He moves quickly, locking the door then rushing back to me. He lifts me up, my legs wrap around him, and he sits on the bed. Kissing him again, I bite his lower lip. His mouth opens with a groan, giving the perfect opportunity to slide my tongue in to meet his.

I scratch at the base of his neck, pulling at the hair there.. He hums into my mouth, his fingertips run up and down my arm, leaving goosebumps in their wake. His soft lips continue to give me their undivided attention, his tongue tangles with mine. We're both breathless, using each other for air. My back arches into his hand, grabbing me through my shirt, his thumbs tease my nipple through my clothing. Sparks erupt throughout my body as my need builds. I feel his erection through our clothes, putting a delicious amount of pressure on the one spot that's begging to be touched. I rock my hips, slowly, trying to relieve the tension. We break apart just an inch, moaning into each other's mouths.

Lifting me up again, he lays me on the bed, hovering over me, staring at my breasts spilling from the top of my blouse. Two strong hands fondle them, pushing them up even more. Alternating between swirling his tongue on my exposed breasts and lightly dragging his teeth across them, while rolling my nipples between his fingers, has me panting.

I pull at the bottom of his shirt hinting for him to take it off. It's my turn to touch him, to feel him.

He stares at me while removing his shirt. Damn. He is ripped, not that I had any doubt. There's no peeling my eyes away from his defined pecs, evident six pack, and a literal v pointing to a destination, I'm not sure I'm ready for.

I place my fingertips on his chest, slowly making my way down. He sucks in a breath and closes his eyes. Biting my lower lip, I continue to take in the view.

"Touch me," I plead, surprising myself.

"Say it again." He growls.

"Touch me," I demand.

It might be a little forward for me, but I'm not denying what my body is craving.

I watch, my chest rising and falling dramatically, as he trails his fingers down my neck, past my breasts, and stops at my jeans. Silently, he asks for permission one last time. I answer him by pulling him toward me, begging him with my kiss. I'm too lost in him, I don't realize he unbuttoned my jeans. He circles my clit through my panties, my back arches, needing more.

"Oh my god, Colton." I whine. He pulls the lacey material to the side, running through my wet folds with his fingers. "Please." I try to grind myself on his fingers. He complies, entering a finger inside me. I suck in a quick breath at the welcomed intrusion.

"Fuck, Lorraine, you're so tight," he says, his voice raspy with arousal. He moves his finger inside me expertly. Noises I haven't heard before come out of my mouth.

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