Chapter 24

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I wake up and am immediately flooded with memories.

I remember everything. I have absolutely no regrets. I mean I kind of wish I could have been sober when I told Lucas how I felt. But drunk Lorraine had other plans.

I just couldn't resist. I tried to keep it business as usual, but my eyes kept taking him in, admiring him. I was not very discreet about it, but I couldn't help it if I tried.

It's 8 am and I already have a text from Lucas.

Lucas: Good morning beautiful.

I bite my lip remembering our kiss last night.

Now granted, I've only kissed two other guys, but Lucas is by far the best. It was so soft and tender. His mouth fit perfectly with mine.

I mean what took me so long?

But of course I am over thinking. What does this mean now? We can't just jump into a relationship. I mean does he even want a relationship with me? How is this going to work?  Did I just ruin everything? I mean he seemed to like it, but maybe it meant something different for me...

I pushed my obsessive thoughts to the side and text Lucas.

Lorraine: I'm up...
Lucas: Great! Get ready. I'll be there in 20.

I jump out of bed. Woah. Probably not the best idea. I got home pretty early last night. So luckily no hangover, but I still need to take it slow.

I try to get ready as quickly as I can. 20 minutes is not enough time, but I don't want to make him wait. Especially, since he's supposedly had feelings for me since we met in February, 6 months ago.

I can't be that oblivious, can I? I mean how did I not know?

The doorbell rings right when I hop out of the shower.


I rush to my bedroom to put some clothes on. I don't even pay attention to what I'm choosing. I want to talk to him about last night as soon as possible so I just find an outfit and put it on.

I make my way to the front door and open it excitedly. 

A big grin appears on my face when I see him. The butterflies from last night have returned. The wings fluttering intensely. It's like I'm floating.

"You look beautiful." He smiles.

I laugh. "You must really like me if you think I look beautiful right now." I tease. I look down at my plain tank top, Jean shorts, and flip flops. Not to mention, my hair is still wet and I'm wearing no make up.

He chuckles.

I love that sound.

"Come on, I'm taking you to breakfast." He offers me his hand.

I look at it nervously. I mean of course I am going to take it. But, the reality of everything is starting to hit me, which cause me to hesitate momentarily. I am trying my best not to freak out.

I take his hand and try to hide my smile. I internally scream with excitement. Just because I'm holding his hand? I'm a weirdo.


After we both ate pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast, I was ready to talk about my feelings.

"That was delicious!" I say washing it all down with a big glass of milk.

"I can't believe we ate all that food." He laughs, wiping his face.

"I'm a nervous eater." I say quietly.

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