Chapter 15

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When spring break was over, it didn't take long for things to go back into full swing. Classes, studying, and spending time with friends, and late night calls with Colton filled my days the past two weeks. But there are moments, like right now, that I find myself distracted with thoughts and memories of spring break.

Looking back at all that happened; finding Logan with another girl, our big confrontation, getting super drunk, hooking up with Colton, Logan interrupting, flirting with Lucas, and then spending the night with Colton. It's like someone else took over my body. Things like that don't happen to me. I don't do things like that.

Logan hasn't tried to reach me. I think he finally got the message. I haven't talked to Lucas since spring break. And although Colton and I are talking frequently, he's still giving me space to do what I need to do.

"What are you wearing?" Colton teases through the phone as I walk to the library.

"Winter coat and a backpack."

"Oooo, talk dirty to me." he groans playfully through the phone.

"You're ridiculous." I stop at the corner, pushing the crosswalk button and wait for my cue to cross.

"How was your day?" he asks, while something beeps in the background.

"It was good. Kristina, Caroline, and I went to dinner and ate too much food. But it should be good fuel for studying! What about you?" The light changes, and I cross the street.

"Not to be cheesy or anything, but I couldn't stop thinking about you." His tone is different from the playful playboy I've heard him use toward other girls. I know the sincerity in his voice, and I don't question it.

"If I'm being honest, I was thinking of you too."

"Well, what are we going to do about this?" His joking tone returns.

"Keep doing what we're doing?"

"Good plan. I'm just finishing cooking dinner, but call me when you're done studying?"

"Absolutely! I'm just getting to the library. Talk soon."

I end the call, put my phone on, do not disturb, and slide it in my coat pocket. Walking into the library, excitement builds as I walk up to the third floor; my happy place.

I like studying up here by myself because then there are not any distractions. Sitting down at an empty round table, I pull out my laptop, planner, notes, textbook, pens, pencils and highlighters. I spread it all out on the table, making sure I have everything at the ready. The first thing I do is review my organic chemistry notes from yesterday before starting the required reading to prepare for tomorrow.

I'm deep into my reading about Alkene Nomenclature when the scrape of a chair across the floor interrupts my focus.

"How am I not surprised to find you here?"

Tearing my eyes away from my textbook, I glance up at Lucas, with a big smile on his face. A face I haven't seen since spring break? Why? Because I'm awkward and don't know how to act around him since I made a fool out of myself during spring break.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks, eyebrows raising.

"Uh... sure."

Discreetly, I watch him as he sets his backpack on the floor, sits down, and starts taking out his supplies. I never knew someone could wear a plain black short sleeve shirt paired with dark blue jeans so well. A backwards baseball cap covers his head, and beats headphones hang around his neck. Why am I only noticing how hot he is?

Looking up at me, a small smirk plays on his face. Quickly, I look back at my book, pretending to read even though we both know I wasn't.

I expected him to say something to tease me, like in a typical Lucas fashion, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he just opens his laptop and starts typing.

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