Chapter 18

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I needed to excuse myself. I didn't realize how worked up I was until Cody snapped me out of it. It was like a bucket of cold water was being poured all over me.

I head up to my room and get ready for bed. I'm hoping Colton comes and joins me, because if I can feel like that just because of him lightly tracing my arm... oh, man!

I brush my teeth, comb my hair and change into an oversized shirt and cute panties, basically the same thing I wore last time Colton and I spent the night together, maybe he will get the hint.

I lay down in bed and hangout on my phone for a bit. I haven't talked to Lucas since before I left.

Lorraine: I'm lame. It's 9:00 on a Friday night and I'm laying in bed.

Lucas: That makes two of us, then!

Lorraine: And here I thought you were cooler than me...

Lucas: There isn't a lot to do, when you're not here.

I am about to respond when there's a knock on the door and then the door opens.

I put my phone aside and sit up in my bed.

"Were you waiting for me?" Colton asks with an arrogant smile on his face as he walks in.

"I'm not going to answer that, you have a big enough head already." I say pretending I'm not excited he just walked through that door.

"That's not the only thing of mine that's big." He says without a second to lose.

I shake my head at him and laugh at how ridiculous he is. "I set myself up for that one."

He laughs as he joins me and lays next to me in the bed.

I turn on my side and look at him, even his profile is gorgeous. I look at him and I can't believe that he feels the way he does about me. I'm not doubting how he feels, he makes it apparent. What I am doubting is that someone as great looking as him would be attracted to me. I shake off my negative thoughts.

"I enjoyed having dinner with you." I say with a smile.

"I liked it too." He says turning on his side to face me. "Do you want to know my favorite part?" He says inching closer to me.

"The meal?" I ask, nervous about how close he is. We've kissed before, I don't know why I get like this.

He chuckles as he licks his lower lip. "After." He says softly, "when I kissed you outside your door." He says giving me a small peck on my lips. "When I was able to cuddle with you under the blanket." He says kissing my jaw softly. "When I heard that sexy soft moan when I was rubbing your arm." He says placing a soft sensual kiss on my neck. "And right now." He says grabbing me as our lips collide together.

I scoot myself so that I am as close as I can be to him. My leg hangs over his as I scratch the back of his head, deepening this kiss I am enjoying so much.

I'm not as adventurous as I was last time, because I have no liquid courage to ease some of my anxiety. My heart hammers in my chest. The chemistry Colton and I have is undeniable. I just hope I don't disappoint.

He nibbles on my bottom lip as he presses himself against my core. A low primal growl coming from his throat.

"Take off your shirt." I barely can say because of this consuming kiss.

He takes off his shirt as he hovers over me. I can't peel my eyes away from his toned body.

My hands, almost as if they have a mind of their own, lightly touch his defined pecs with the pads of my fingers. Just like he did downstairs I trail my fingers. Except this time, I am trailing them down to his erection.

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