Chapter 13

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Kristina, Caroline and I dominate the dance floor. "I feel like Shakira because my hips don't lie," I yell to them, then throw my head back and laugh.

Drunk me, thinks everything is funny.

The combination of the alcohol flowing through my veins and the music taking over my actions, sets me free. I'm having too much fun to care about anything. I don't need a dance partner, I'm doing fine on my own, my body swaying to the beat of the song. Someone gently grabs my hips, but the light pull towards his body is anything but innocent. I'm met with Colton's panty dropping smile when I turn my head. Smiling back, I push myself into him more, and we grind to the music.

Normally, I'm self-conscious to dance like this with anyone. I overthink things too much. Am I going at the right pace? What do I do with my hands? Is my butt even big enough to dance like this?

Colton and I continue to dance even after the song changes. Feeling adventurous, I intertwine our fingers and move his hands up and down the inside my thighs as I grind harder against him.

"You're teasing me." He growls into my ear before taking it in between his teeth. He lightly nibbles the lobe, pulling it slightly before letting go.

I turn my head toward him and smile innocently. "I don't know what you're talking about." I bat my eyelashes and bite my lip, before turning my head away.

"Two can play that game." His hot mouth leaves a trail of sensual kisses down my neck.

I arch my back and stretch my neck, needing more. The feeling of his lips on my body is indescribable. A moan reverberates in my throat. Luckily, the music is loud enough that no one can hear.

He smiles against my neck. "I felt that, you know?"

"Yeah? Well I feel that." I press into his erection poking against me.

He spins me around, my body flush against him, and claims my mouth as we continue to dance to the music. Drunk me doesn't care that this is happening in front of everyone. I'm doing what I want. And I don't care!

Colton took complete control of the kiss. Even with the noise of the music, I can hear my heart beating in my ears. My mouth opens, our tongues meet, and another moan escapes.

"Hey!" Cody pats Colton on the shoulder.

Colton and I barely manage to peel ourselves away. We stare at each other for a brief moment, both worked up.

"Would you stop sucking face with my sister for a bit so we can play some beer pong?"

My mouth drops open. "Cody!" I shake my head and laugh. I turn to Colton, "I'm going to go get some water anyway. See you later." I don't wait for him to respond and walk away.

That's right, drunk Lorraine is chill Lorraine.


Entering the kitchen, there are guys huddled around the counter.

"Party in the kitchen. Woop woop!" I 'raise the roof' with my hands. I laugh at my ridiculousness as I grab a clean cup and fill it with some water.

"Still feeling pretty good there, huh, Lorraine?" someone asks from behind me.

I turn and see Lucas sitting on the counter smiling at me.

"You have no idea." I smile back and take a drink of water. "What about you?"

"I was having a great time, but it's even better now that you're here." He winks at me.

"You're full of it." I snort. Joining him on the counter, I turn and look at him.

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