anything for you

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Mia's POV

I punch again and he whimpers in pain, "Please...I don't know who it was." he says quietly, 

"So if you don't know, who will know ?" I ask him crossing my arms .

"H-he could be found in longwood." my heart stops as he says that, I told myself I wouldn't go back, I grab his collar of his.

"Don't lie to me!" Alexa grabs me and I look at her, 

"Let's take a breather okay?" I take a breath and we go outside.

"I have somewhere I wanna go, come with me?" She offers her hand and I take it,

Let's see where life takes us.

James POV

"Home sweet home." I mutter as we step out the airport, we went to California and found no trace .

"Let's just figure out the next step." Sarah says, I agree and as we walk out we see our car, we go and get in.

"Damon is coming back too so we need to wait and see what he says." Hale says, I nod and we head home, as we drive home my eyes widen.

" Stop the car !" I yell, he immediately
Stops and I get out the car.

" Where are you going?" Sarah yells , I run to catch up to her and I grab her arm,

"Mia?" She looks at me with confusion, before she gets to reply I'm pushed into a wall .

"Hello James." vicious says smirking, my eyes widen ,


Mina's POV

"I will be fine, it's just for a walk to the book store." I say grabbing my purse, I look to see vicious expression not so happy.

"Fine, but call me if you need anything." he says , I smile and nod. My mom already left for work so I leave and start the walk.


I get out the taxi and look around, the bookstore I walked too of course had to be closed, so I went to a farther one. As I'm walking I'm suddenly grabbed, I gasp in surprise and see James.

"Mia?" I look at him with confusion, why would he think I'm mia? She left months ago. As I go to respond he's pushed against the wall by vicious.

"Hello James." he says smirking at him.

"Vicious?" my eyes widen, was he... following me?

" You followed me !?" I yelled in frustration,

"Sorry princess." I roll my eyes and start to walk away.

"Not so fast mina." I look in front of me to see Sarah, I immediately smile and we hug.

"I missed you too." she says laughing, we pull apart.

"It's a small world." Hale says approaching us, why are they all here is what I wonder. What is going on ?

"It sure is." I hear vicious say grabbing my arms.

" lLet go of me Derek. " as I say that James , Hale and Sarah look at me In shock, he pulls me closer to him and I slightly gasp.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight." he says , we look at each other until James clears his throat,

"We need to talk."

Damon's POV

"There what?" James sighs in annoyance.

"Yes Damon, Mia's beloved twin sister and your annoying brother is in longwood." I run my hand through my hair.

"So where the fuck is Mia?" I ask him .

"Get your ass here and we'll talk." he hangs up, I sigh out with frustration showing.

That isn't what I wanted to hear at all, I needed to hear that all three of them are here .

"What happened?" Jenna asks , I turn to her.

" Vicious and mina are here in longwood." her eyes widen, and then with confusion.

"Wait so shouldn't mia be here?" She asks , I shake my head,

"But only she's not." her expression shows sadness , I put hand gently on her shoulder and she sniffles.

"When are we gonna find my best friend.." she sobs , I pull away and look at her ,

" We will find her, we will. If it's the last thing I do." she nods and wipes her tears away .

vicious POV

"I can't believe you followed me." Mina says walking inside the shadow house,

"I'm sorry, I was worried about you." she stops and turns.

"You were?" She quietly says, I never wanted this to happen, fall for her, but..

" Vicious." my eyes widen at the voice, I turn and see Damon.

"Hello brother." he says lightly smiling .

"Am I dreaming?" I ask myself, I then hear mina gasp ,

" If you're dreaming, then so am I.." she whispers,

"No, it's real." I hear James say, Damon walks closer and I immediately hug him,

"I'm back." I hear him say, I sigh with happiness, it's as if all saddness disappeared..

"You're back."

Mia's POV

"Okay so what are we doing at the fair?" I ask her laughing, we walk towards the entrance, she then grabs my arm.

"Come on our favorite band is about to play." my eyes widen and we run to the entrance before we miss it, we walk in and I see them.

"How'd you know about this?" I ask her smiling, I haven't been to something like this in so long. Am I actually going to enjoy myself tonight ?

"I was searching for something like this so I could see that." I look at her with confusion.

"See what ?" I ask her, she stands in front of me and grabs my hand gently.

"That beautiful smile." she gently says. I immediately smile from her compliment, I haven't felt happy in so long ..

"Thank you, for making me forget for a little while." she smiles and nods, and I look at the band.

"Anything for you." I look at her and she smiles and looks back at the band, she starts to jump up and down and I join her by swinging my now shoulder length hair left to right, we started laughing, this is the most fun I've had in months.

Jenna's POV

I sit down on the couch and sigh of exhaustion, we've been trying to figure out where Mia and Alexa are , I really miss them.

"Hey." I look to see James, I then look away ,

"What do you want." I say crossing my arms , he kneels in front of me and I look at him.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, I should have never hurt you the way I did." his expression shows regret.

"It's okay, but I can't be with you, not anymore, you hurt me to bad." he slowly nods and gets up.

"I know." he then walks away , I close my eyes ,

"Need a hug ?" I look to see Mina , I nod and she comes and sits down next to me and hugs me,

"You're gonna be okay." she says , I smile and nod ,

"Thank you."

What a day.

That's it for this chapter! What did you guys think?

Were you surprise to see vicious falling for mina?

Do you think Alexa may be... falling for mia?

The brother's are reunited! Yaay!

See you next chapter!❤️

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