Chapter 42

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I closed the door behind me, and took a deep breath.

Everyone looked at me as I walked to my locker. I was just about to open it as someone shoved me into the door.

I turned around to see 3 more of Rayn's friends looking at me disgusted.

The lump in my throat grew as my eyes widened.

"Look who decided to be a dumbass and show up today." One of them spat.

"What made you think that your little 'boy toy' could beat up Rayn, Tracie, and Lindsey like that?!" Another one of them hissed.

Now, I've finally snapped..

"One, he's not my fucking 'boy toy,' you damn bitch." I growled, as my voice.. glitched?!

They looked at me slightly frightened.

"You all should know what a 'boy toy' is by now, saying that you three, and the rest of you have plenty of them." I hissed, as I felt my blood boil inside my veins.

"Your little gang gets fucked more than a Goddamn prostitute on Friday night." I growled again, as I clenched my fists.

"Call us whatever the hell you want.. at least the guys actually love us." She hissed.

"Exactly, Brittany." The other two said in unison.

I'm guessing her name is Brittany. Good to know..? Not really-

I felt tears in the corners of my eyes as my heart pumped faster and my hands shook.

"I don't fucking care if he actually loves me or not.. at least I haven't had 12 abortions by the age of 17!!!" I yelled, causing their eyes to widen.

"I- you know what..- whatever. Fuck you, Mary. This is pointless." 'Brittany' said as they all walked off.

Then, a sharp pain hit me in my stomach.

I ran to the girl's bathroom and looked in the mirror. My skin was pale, and my right eye whites were solid black with a red glowing pupil in the middle.

 My skin was pale, and my right eye whites were solid black with a red glowing pupil in the middle

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I gasped and quickly blinked a few times.

I looked back in the mirror, and it was fine again.. like nothing even happened.

I got lost in my thoughts but then, I heard the bell ring.

"Shit!" I muttered to myself before running out of the bathroom and back to my locker.

Falling in Love with The Demon (Antisepticeye Fanfiction) 🚨 DISCONTINUED 🚨Where stories live. Discover now