Dammit Kaito

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Kokichi's POV aka RAT

I grab Shuichi's hand and quickly dragged him into the dining hall.
Dammit Kaito! He seems to still have his old bullying habits...
I mindlessly bring Shumai to a table and sit down bringing him to sit beside me.
I can't stop thinking about what just happened...

Shuichi kissed me.

Yeah, we were boyfriends before, but we still rarely kissed. Agh, both Shuichi's personalities are amazing...
I do miss the possessiveness he used to have, but he's so sweet right now...

I looked at the dining hall doors to see Kaito walking in a watching us intensely.
What's up with him...
I took the hat I stole from Shuichi and hid behind it. I'm still scared of everyone, basically the only person I have is Shuichi...
And if he was murdered...

A shiver runs down my spine with the spreading feeling of dread fills me.
I quickly grab Shuichi's arm and hug him close to me. I'm scared to lose him. I don't want to lose him.
I see Shumai look down at me, worried.
I felt a breath on my ear and heard him whisper "are you okay? Do you want to go back to my dorm?"
Tears form up in my eyes and I quickly nod.
Shuichi stood up and I followed. I held Shumai's hat down to cover my face and I latched onto Shumai to take me where his dorm is.

But we suddenly stop.
I look up to see Kaito blocking the way.
"Hey Shuichi... can I talk to you?"
I felt Shumai shift uncomfortably and held me close.
"Can I bring Kokichi to the dorms first?"

Tears started rolling down my face even more.
I felt Shumai being torn away from me.
I look up to see Kaito dragging him away, out of the dining hall.
I'm left there standing, crying in the middle of the dining hall with just about everyone's eyes on me.
I couldn't get to Shumai's dorm without him. And if I wonder off, he will have no idea where to find me.

I awkwardly stand there.
I realize that without Shumai, I am nothing.
Even more tears roll down my face.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, which makes me roughly jump and squeak.
I look up to see Kiibo. He looked seemingly worried, even more when he saw me crying.

"Ouma.. are you okay?"
"W-what.." I stutter and look at everyone staring at me.
I remember Kiibo, he seems trustworthy....
I quickly hide behind him.
"K-Kiibo-kun..." I whisper, scared.
I feel myself shaking.

I have no idea what everyone is like. I doubt I can even trust anyone here. Please... stop staring at me! I want Shumai back!

I pull Kiibo into a hug and shove my head into his chest, sobbing.
"K-Kiibo-kun.. p-please make them s-stop staring..."
I felt him nod, and he let me go out of a hug and turned around. I still hid behind him.

"Everybody! Please! Focus back on your lunch and talk to your friends. This is not a staring situation!"
Kiibo grabbed my arm and dragged me to the side of the room and sat me down.

"Ouma, are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"I-I'm Sorry. I didn't m-mean to cry.."
"It's okay, it happens! Is there anything I can assist you with?"

Kiibo-kun seems different. He's much more nicer than before.

"I w-want Shumai. P-please!"
Kiibo-kun modded.
"Do you wish for me to retrieve him?"
I nodded tearfully.
I saw Kiibo-kun stand up and turn around.
"I'll try to be quick!"
Kiibo sprinted off out the door.

There I sat, alone.
Dammit Kaito...

Give me back Shumai please.

631 words.
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