Mumbo vs Doc

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(This is an AU where Mumbo is the one who created G-Team and is facing Doc. Mumbo Vs Doc in the Hermitcraft Civil War. So this will have a tinge of Gridoc [However you spell that ship name] and Grumbo. Enjoy! And short note: Suicide Hotline Part 2 will come out soon hopefully :D)


Mumbo couldn't help but send a threatening glance at the creeper cyborg across the grass ridden field that separates the G-Team building with Team STAR's castle. 

Scar and Cub both have smirks plastered along their lips, intrigued about this war. Their averting eyes constantly glance back and forth between the two from the wooden ConCorp platform they planted in the war zone.

Grian is standing in the direct middle of the field, glancing between Mumbo and Doc with anxious eyes. He keeps twisting his head, unsure of where to settle his attention.

"Okay guys, this is funny and all, haha but I am starting to get the dread feeling that maybe this war isn't so fun and perhaps... more serious?" Grian remarks with a questioned tone, being noticeably reluctant about his choice of words.

Doc strikes the soft soil with the three rods of his trident and leans some of his weight, proceeding to stare down at Mumbo from the numerous meters that segregate both of the rivals. 

Mumbo pulls out his Fork of Friendship, keeping his daring and dangerous attitude, using the other end of his trident to stab the ground and lean on it to mock Doc.

Grian can feel the antipathy atmosphere crawling down his neck, the tension is so abundant that he can probably cut it with a butter knife if he wanted too. Scar's evil beam is so wide that it seemed like it was crossing from one of his ears to another.

"Maybe you are right, Grian. Maybe this war isn't all fun and games like most first thought." Doc has spoken first to answer Grian so he can get less of Mumbo's voice in the situation. 

"Okay, then, heh..." Grian can practically feel his puny physique shrink as he sinks his posture in. Oh how he wishes he can just melt into the grass or if the land beneath him can just swallow him whole.

"You know, Doc. We can make this entire 'prank'-", Mumbo used air quotes with his fingers, initially making Grian's anxiety skyrocket. "-fun and games, for Grian."

"Oh, you mean with actual bombs and lava buckets raining down on you? That would be amazing! Gladly!" Doc raises his bearing and sticks out his hand, a fake grin dawning across his expression.

Mumbo was not amused, the atmosphere gradually increasing in tension. Grian nervously emits a chuckle at the back of his throat while tugging the collar of his ruby sweater.

"Haha, come on guys, this has gone on long enough. Let's just end the war!" Grian perks up a wavering smile while pointing one of his forefingers into the thick cloud infested sky.

"Not until you choose a side," Doc growls lowly. Grian looks back and forth once again, observing the intense staring contest they are sharing.

"A-... A side?" Grian looks at Doc with a confused gaze. Doc coughs with a slight shade of dark green covering his half creeper face and he immediately redirects his face to turn away from Grian, breaking the 'glaring' contest he shared with Mumbo.

That little quizzed face of Grian, his brilliant diamond colored eyes and the slight tilt of his head was enough to drive Doc into a small moment of blushing. Grian didn't seem to notice. 

However, he did notice when Scar gasped and began to shake Cub's shoulders madly, thrilled about the tension and the arousing hostility that is sprouting with the surrounding environment.

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