19. Genders

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The three top tier wizards stared at the older Shadow Wizard as if he had lost his head. Shinobu believes that Haizaki didn't have a brain in the first place.

They then watched the soft smile appearing on his lips, and they couldn't help but feel that he was feeling extremely happy right now. Once your younger sister grows up, they will never be the same even if they remain little in your eyes.

"Nii-nii!" and Haizaki chuckled with the soft look in his eyes. He didn't want [name] to return to her original form but knew she had to. He then sighed and soon planted a kiss on her cheek which she giggled at.

"Hand it over, Shinobu," and Shinobu nodded and soon brought the potion mix she had created as the antidote for [name]. It was a pinkish liquid that glistened under the moonlight. Haizaki then placed [name] on the ground and knelt before her, which she did the same, copying his actions.

An act so familiar to him.

"Here, time for your medicine," he spoke out and [name] obediently opened her mouth which Sanemi could only stare in shock as usually, his younger siblings would thrash about and not eat their medicine.

[name] soon downed the pink liquid and burped a little which Haizaki chuckled at as it was an indication that [name] had drank a tad bit too fast.


A pink smoke soon surrounded [name], and Haizaki narrowed his eyes as he noticed something was off. He didn't remember [name]'s built being that broad nor was her height close to his. That's when he realized something was off.

"SHINOBU! YOU MADE THE WRONG POTION!" and the pink cloud soon cleared, revealing [name] who looked exactly like Haizaki, the same built and same height. The only difference was, [name]'s hair was still way longer than Haizaki's.

Her outfit couldn't hold the sudden growth spurt and Haizaki quickly removed his coat and wrapped it around [name]'s lower torso. [name] then yawned a little, and she looked at Shinobu.

Shinobu had made the gender potion instead. The gender potion causes one to switch gender and their bodies will grow according to it. Their personalities and mindset will switch as well.

So right now, [name] was a male wizard.

She had toned and well-developed abs, way better than Sanemi's, and she looked drop-dead handsome in Shinobu's eyes. [name] then looked at Haizaki and smiled.

"Yo, nii-san," and Haizaki swore he was about to faint on the spot. The fact that [name] was no not in her original form and was in a male form made Haizaki nearly lose his mind. Or if Shinobu likes to call it, he was nowhere near normal.

[name] then yawned and soon noticed she was naked, only wrapped around the torso with Haizaki's coat. She then looked at Haizaki and then stared for a little while. Haizaki then noticed it and he sighed and cast a spell upon her, allowing her to have decent clothes.

She was then dressed in a modified uniform, which Haizaki had cast upon. A black uniform similar to his, but [name] got irritated as she felt stuffy and soon unbuttoned the top, letting her body air instead. Haizaki then groaned in frustration.


And [name] smiles at her older brother, for her memories were altered to the point that she believed she had been a guy her entire time. Haizaki was not enjoying this at all. Soon running footsteps were heard and the group of wizards soon turned to look at who had arrived.

[name]'s eyes soon found themselves looking at a pair of pale green eyes belonging to none other than the Love Wizard, Kanroji Mitsuri. She then smiled softly at Mitsuri who then noticed [name], and she blushed furiously.

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