21. S. Sanemi

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She smiled slightly as she watched him flying down on his broomstick, reaching out to her. He watched as her mouth moved, calling out for his name, and he couldn't be happier that she had trusted him to come and save her.

"Sanemi..." she whispered out and Sanemi quickly accelerate the speed of his broomstick and grabbed hold of [name] before she slammed against the ground. He then quickly pulled her into a tight hug as he balanced themselves on his broomstick. He was pissed off and [name] could only wrap herself around him tightly.

The sense of warmth she loved. The way his heart pounded against his chest. [name] knew he would come for to her aid. She knew she could trust him. Sanemi then started to fly away from the hordes of Soul Eaters for the Magic Council was now gone, and they have their own free mind now.

He felt [name] gripping tightly onto his shirt, and he scowled in response as he raised his wand.

"LIGHTNING WIND DRAGON!" he cast his ultimate spell that he had tried his best to master to repel away the Soul Eaters for there wasn't any known way to kill them off. His spell grew extremely bright as [name] hugged him tightly and shut her eyes as it was too bright.

The Soul Eaters were then repelled away and the gloomy weather was no longer present around the vicinity. Sanemi soon brought [name] down to safety as he allowed her to land perfectly well on her two feet. He then supported her and soon everybody ran up to her.

[name]'s eyes then widened when she saw Yoriichi assisting Haizaki in going up to meet his younger sister. [name]'s knees soon gave way and Sanemi immediately assist her in landing properly on her knees. Haizaki then did the same as well, and he immediately grabbed hold of [name]'s hand in his.

"Thank god... Thank god you're safe!" he cried out and [name] cried out in response as well.

The evil wizards who portrayed themselves as the Magic Council was defeated. [name] and Haizaki survived and are now free from all sets of rules. Their bloodline could continue now, and nothing could stop them anymore.

They were free.


[name] smiled as she and Sanemi held hands as they walked along the sidewalk in the town where it sold [name]'s most favorite candies that she loves so much. He chuckled at how happy she looked, for it had been a month now ever since the incident occurred.

She was now free of misery. That's what he knew.

He still remembered the day clearly that [name] called out to him in his mind, and that's when he knew that [name] wanted him to be the one to save her. She had chosen him instead of Obanai. He then chuckled to himself, causing [name] to look at him confusedly.

"What's so funny?" she asked, and Sanemi shook his head.

"It's funny how we got together," he answered and [name] blushed a little in response. It was indeed funny as they got together on the day she was near death together with Haizaki.

Sanemi remembered the first day he laid his eyes upon her. He found her extremely beautiful, yet she was so afraid to mix around and only stuck to Kyojuro then. He had to admit, he was jealous. Extremely jealous when [name] wouldn't try to talk to him.

Then he had to take the initiative and speak to her on the train. Introducing himself, causing her to have to introduce herself as well. When he heard her voice for the first time, he knew then he was in love with her.

It sounded so gentle, with no hidden intentions behind it. It was addictive, her voice was so addictive. Then came her touch. The first time their skin came in contact, Sanemi felt electricity flowing through him.

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