I Am Reborn

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Thank you to joellamariahTocki07jijifijifateclawsKasuoMikoriblackgokurealy, and Narsil_Anduril for their kind comments and votes to the previous chapter! 

Thank you to schoolstinks56 and Lindaxcn for adding this book to their reading lists!

Elladan knocked on Elrond's door. He entered to find Elrond dipping his pen into fresh ink and Celebrian sitting on a corner of the desk.

"This had better be important," Elrond began.

"It is," Elrohir insisted, peeking over his brother's shoulder. "Where is Arwen?"

"Ever since Erestor bailed on me, she has been spending time with him, Ariel, and Nightwing," Elrond replied, with a slight glare in his eyes that caused Celebrian to giggle.

"Well, I do not think Erestor bailed on you," Elrohir said. "He was here yesterday morning and very helpful when I came in to see if I had left—"

"You wanted something?" Elrond requested.

Elrohir pursed his lips. "I am not so sure I do—oh, yes, I do want something. Elladan and I want something."

"What is it? Cake? Cookies? Permission to see a friend?"

"Oh no," Elladan teased. "We would have done that without asking. We were out on the cliffs—"

"After you finished your homework, I presume?" Celebrian asked.

Elrohir tipped his head. "I may have left Elladan to do my work for me."

"Why, Elrohir Elrondion, you—"

Elrohir giggled. "We both finished our own work. Now, as I was saying, we have spent a good amount of time on the cliffs looking for something we lost. We have not found it over the last few weeks but today we found it."

Elrond shook his head. "And this is important how?"

Elladan took his hands out from behind his back. "Do you recognize this?"

Elrond half-rose, reaching for the object, "Why—why, this is the letter-opener Glorfindel gave me on our wedding!"

The twins nodded. "Yes. You—you spanked us after we lost it playing warrior."

Elrohir admitted, "I dropped it; Elladan lied for me because you had already spanked me earlier and he did not want you to hurt me more. But, ada, you never let me tell you why I dropped it. I tripped and I had to let the letter-opener go to save myself from falling."

Celebrian covered her hand with her mouth, her eyes glistening with tears. As Elrohir stared at him, Elrond rounded the desk and snatched him in a hug. "Gracious valar, I could have lost you! And to think I hit you for saving yourself when you are more precious to me than any letter-opener."

For a moment he rested his head on Elrohir's shoulder. When he looked up, he reached for Elladan. "I am sorry I did not give you the chance to explain yourselves. So sorry."

"You would have spanked us anyway, for stealing," Elladan said bluntly.

His words hurt. Celebrian broke in, hugging Elrohir's head to her chest. "That is behind us; we do not know what would have happened as we are different people now."

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