The wedding

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Ruby can't wait to get married to Iain as she got dressed in her new house and Faith Cadogen who was Ruby's uni friend helped her get dressed in her wedding dress with flowers going down the side, wearing tights and got pump shoes on. Iain got dressed and smiled at Lev saying" I'm nervous Lev" as Jacob said" Ssh don't get nervous you must be happy as you found Ruby and Ruby found you after drinking together" as Iain nodded and said" Lev have you got the wedding rings?" Lev nodded and produced the two go,den wedding rings as Faith said" Ok Ruby ready?" Ruby nodded and Gem helped Ruby get into the wedding car as they got to the church as Iain smiled and said" I honestly can't wait Lev" as Lev and Jacob smiled and Ruby smiled as her dad was giving her away. The wedding music started and Iain smiled at his beautiful girl walking down the aisle and holding her dads arm as her dad gave her a kiss on the cheek and whispered" I'm very happy" as the vicar started speaking. After the wedding ceremony Iain and Ruby jetted off to Orlando as Iain hugged his beautiful wife and said" I love you Mrs Dean" as Ruby said" I know you do Iain Dean" as they made out and held hands as they slept. When they came back Faith hugged her friend and said" How was the honeymoon?" Ruby smiled and said" It was great thanks Iain had a go on a stimulator and flew toothless also I thought I brought Luka, Ana and Natalia a dragon each as I was thinking of them." Lev smiled and said" Thanks Ruby they'll appreciate it" as Iain said" Better get home and get some shuteye" as they went home and made out on the bed as Ruby smiled and hugged her husband saying" Can't wait to have kids of our own" as Iain said" I can't wait either."

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