Stupid Mario Maker 2

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Meggy walked into the room, putting her Splattershot on the table and taking a deep breath.

Meggy: Phew... I'd say that's enough training for a while... I'm exhausted!

Mario was crouched over doing something.

Mario: La la la, hmm hmm hmm! La, la, la, hmm hmm hmm-

Peach: Mario!

Mario: WHOA!!!

Peach: What are you doing?

Mario: Uhhh... Mario's playing with his salami.

Meggy: Wait, what? *Concerned inkling noise*

Peach: Righttt... Well, I'm going out. Try not to break anything while I'm gone.

Mario: Okie dokie, Princess!

Peach's face flattened, as she put her hand on her chin.


Mario started to sweat a lot.

Meggy: Uhhh...

Peach: *Sigh*

The princess let out a random cheer and walked off.

Mario: Oh, boy... 

Mario was drenched in sweat, he fainted from the nervousness and groaned.

Meggy: Uh oh! Mario, you alright?!

Mario got up within a flash, holding something in his hand.

Mario: Itsa my turn now! Oh, and hello there, Meggy!

Meggy: What have you got there, Red?

Mario: Ohohoho...

It was a Nintendo Switch.

Meggy: Ooooh! What are you playing, Mario?

Mario: Super Mario Maker 2! 

Meggy: Oh, nice!

Mario: Mario finally got this magic tablet to work again. With this, Mario can make whatever he wants!

Meggy: Wait, really?

Mario: Yeah! Look at this! Here we go!

Mario tapped a button, and a podium appeared with a plate of spaghetti atop it.

Meggy: WHOA! Uhhh, Mario?

Mario: Hmm? Yes, Meggy?

Meggy: Where did you get that Nintendo Switch from...?

Mario: Oh! Uhhh... That was ages ago! Near the end of 2016, Wario made us go through hell with this thing but we kicked his ass. Since then, I've kept it. I haven't done any harm... *Whispers* Well, maybe to SMG4 since he's a dick.

Meggy: Oh, well that's good then!

Mario walked over to the podium while rubbing his hands.

Mario: Heheh, boi...

Meggy: Could you do more?

Mario nodded and tapped the button again, as a giant cup of instant noodles appeared.

Meggy: *Sr Pelo gasp* OHHHHHHHHH MAH GAWD!!!

Mario: Hehehe! I can do anything!

Mario started pressing the button multiple times, summoning a cannon that fired spaghetti, a treasure chest full of spaghetti, and a giant red shell full of spaghetti.

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