A Day In The Life Of Everyone

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Narrator: As the sun rose in the Mushroom Kingdom, all the inhabitants began to wake up and go about their day. Why don't we take a peek and see what their life is like, shall we?


Chicken: ...That was a bad pun.

Sans: Ah, come on, don't be so 'fowl'. He's trying his best to be a 'comedi-hen!'


Chicken: ... *Points a gun at it's head* Guess I'll die.

During this, in the Mario Bro's house, the retarded plumber known as Mario was snoring away, probably dreaming about spaghetti, until...


Luigi: YAHOO! *Jumps out of his bed* Time for another beautiful day! Let's go, Mario!

The only response Luigi got was the alarm clock being thrown into the back of his head, making him cry in pain and fall to the floor.

Luigi: Aww, c'mon Mario! Think of all of the spaghetti you'll get to eat today!

Mario slowly turned around and made the Windows XP startup sound, he jumped out of his bed with excitement and ran towards the refrigerator, then opened it, revealing many plates of spaghetti waiting to be devoured.


Mario started to sing a Yeah Boi Remix, and within seconds, he was humping a plate of spaghetti on the table which set him on fire. Afterwards, he sucked all of the plates of spaghetti out of the fridge like Kirby.


Luigi grabbed a milk carton from the fridge to make some cereal, while Mario continued to cheer and dance within a random but giant plate of spaghetti. After finishing, he walked towards his brother and asked a question.

Mario: Hey, bro! Do you wanna play some games?

Luigi: Sorry, Mario! I got to do the laundry.

Luigi walked past his bro, and Mario's head snapped backwards.

Mario: ...B i t c h.

Luigi grabbed the laundry basket from the floor and walked outside, Mario followed and started to beg.

Mario: C'mooooooon, just one game!

Luigi: Only if you help me wash these clothes.

Mario made his usual goofy expression, and threw a torch onto the laundry basket setting the clothes ablaze.

Mario: Woohoo! No more clothes, let's play!

Luigi growled and let out a sigh.

Luigi: Sure, big bro...

The two started to play Dark Souls, but then Mario got an idea.

Mario: Pause the game, bro. I wanna call Meggy.

Luigi: Oh, okay!

Luigi paused the game as his brother asked, and dialed Meggy's number on his phone.

Luigi: Gonna go out on a date with her or something?

Mario: Eh, probably. 

Meggy eventually answered the call, sounding rather serious and aggressive.

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