Chapter 11

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I ran back home, my feet were numb and I couldn't feel them. I regret not wearing shoes, but I also don't care. We're finally leaving.
I slammed the front door closed and ran upstairs. I woke Prim up first. Her blonde hair tied into two braids. I sat at the edge of her bed, my hand landed on her shoulder and I shook her.
"Prim, wake up."
She slowly sat up and blinked away the sleep.
"What? What's going on?"
"We're leaving, grab your clothes and grab whatever food, blankets, and medicines you can carry." I got up and walked out the door.
"Katniss!" Prim called out.
I couldn't help but pop my head through the door way.
"What's going on?"
I shook my head. "Just do what I told you. Okay, Little Duck?"
She nodded.
I went across the hall and opened my mother's door. Her chest was rising and dropping contently. I walked over and brushed the hair out of her face.
Her eyes popped right open.
"Katniss? Is something wrong?" She sat up.
"Mom, we're leaving. Help Prim down in the kitchen. Grab whatever supplies you can carry."
Her hand drifted towards my father's picture on her night stand. I took the bronzed framed picture and handed it to her.
"We couldn't go anywhere without him." I tell her. She gives me a faint smile, but it's full of love. I smile back, and I can't seem to make myself stop smiling.
We leave and I guide them towards the fence. Gale and his family is gathered.
"Ready, Catnip?"
I nod. Right before I swing my leg over the barber wire lights flash on.
"There they are!"
Someone must've monitored my conversation with Gale.
"Go!" Gale yells at us. His brothers and sisters jump the fence pretty quickly, Gale has to help his mother. When I look over Prim is already over, helping our mother. I put my hand under her shoe and lift. She lands on her feet and starts running with Gale's family.
Gale and Prim are waiting for me to jump when I realize that I forgot someone.
"Peeta!" I gasp.
"I need to get Peeta!"
"Katniss we don't have time!"
The lights got closer and so did the peacekeepers. I looked back at Gale, I hope he knew I was sorry. I ran the other way, straight for Peeta's house. Before I could get to the street a sharp pain entered my back. It was unbearable. Everything turned dizzy. I stumbled back, trying to catch myself. I fell on my back and I blinked.
Every thing went black.

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