Chapter 14

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Snow was right about it not being an occasion, we never did the entering of the districts, and probably because of last time, we didn't do the interviews. Which was a relief for me, I didn't want to talk about how in love I was to Caesar. Tomorrow would be the games, and I was scared as hell. I wasn't sure if I could do it, but then I got a visit from Gale. Haymitch thought it'd make the tension ease if I had someone I knew better than anyone else.
I hugged him tightly and he kissed my forehead.
"Show them what you can do, Catnip." he had said.
Since I had district one's room all to myself, Gale could stay the night. I'm not sure how Haymitch did it, but he had pulled through. I've learned to trust Haymitch over the past two years.
Gale and I were reviewing past games to prepare myself.
"I'm surprised that you didn't want to be on the same floor with Peeta." He didn't look away from the projected screen. I shrugged.
"I just can't stand being in the same room as him." I explained.
"But you two were so in love."
"Can't we please change the topic?" A lump grew in my throat.
"Sure thing, Catnip."

Gale and I had dinner, after that I started for bed but Gale had something else in mind. Neither of us were suppose to leave the floor, that's why I tried to stop Gale from leaving.
"Oh come on, Katniss," he pride my fingers from the door.
"You can come too."
I hesitated but said no.
"You might not even live tomorrow, might as well enjoy yourself while it lasts, right?"
He was right.
"Okay, let's go."
We went to Haymitch's room and Gale managed to steal some alcohol. I wasn't sure if I had wanted to drink any, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't. We went up to the roof and stared into the Capital. Gale drank from the bottle of rum.
"Are you sure you don't want any?" Gale swished the bottle around.
"I have plenty."
It was tempting, very tempting.
Come on, Katniss, a voice said in my head, a sip won't hurt. And it wouldn't, would it? I took the bottle from Gale and put the glass to my lips. The warm liquor tingled through my body. It had made me happy in an instant. A hiccup escaped from my mouth and Gale laughed. I laughed with him and we shared the bottle until there was nothing left.
Gale threw up his hands.
"Well I guess that's all for tonight."
We were both drunk, and it was obvious. I stood up and stood at the edge of the roof. I put my arms out, as if I was balancing. Wind was making me swing backward.
"I can see why Haymitch drinks!" I giggled.
"I'm warm and fuzzy." I didn't care about anything expect hanging out with Gale. He snuck up behind me and grabbed my waist from behind.
"I like you like this, you're not serious."
"I like myself like this. Being serious isn't any fun!"
Gale swung me back, away from the edge. I laughed as he swung me around. He set me down and backed up. He bowed and gave me his hand.
"A dance?"
I giggled and took his hand. His hand landed on my hip and I took his hand and we danced. Either Gale or I were singing to the top of our lungs, though I can't remember which, because the door swung open and an upset Peeta looked at us.
We stopped dancing and looked at him.
"Oh look! A grumpy face!" Gale said, he sounded like a toddler. I laughed. Peeta looked confused and stared at me. He walked over to us.
"What are you guys doing? It's like two in the morning..."
He paused and sniffed the air like a dog.
"Have you guys been drinking?"
I nodded and picked up the glass bottle.
"It's fun! Want some? I'm sure we can steal some more from Haymitch." I offered him the bottle. He pushed it aside.
"I think you need to go back to bed. Especially you, Kantiss."
He gave me a kind look.
"Don't tell her what to do." Gale turned angry.
"I'm not.. I just think that if she's going to fight to the death tomorrow she should at least get some sleep."
"I don't need sleep!" I chimed.
"See? She'd rather stay with me." Gale crossed his arms.
Peeta took my arm. I pulled back, turning angry myself.
"I said I don't want to go to bed!"
"Come on, Katniss. You're drunk you don't know what you're saying."
He took my arm again and started pulling me, I resisted as best I could but he was still stronger than me. Gale broke us apart.
"She said she didn't want to go. Can't you respect that?" Gale used his angry voice.
"I'm watching out for her!"
"Oh really? Then how come she's not on the same floor as you?"
Peeta's face turned to something I had never seen before. I was genuinely scared of him. He tightened his fists and threw a punch at Gale, I ran in front and I was once again greated by pain, then darkness.

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