The Reunion

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~ Edited ~

Sophie's P.O.V.

After I opened the door I saw Grady and Edaline with their eyes red and puffy. They gasped while I stood there smiling nervously.

"Hi?" I said nervously.

"Honey?" Edaline asked.

"Yes?" I answered. Grady and Edaline ran up to me crying their heads off while I said,

"Love you guys too." After they finished hugging me I asked,

"Is there a bathroom around here? I need to go get changed before I see the others. And can I say thank you to my biological mother and to Elwin for fixing me up?" Sophie asked.

"You might want to say sorry to Fitz." Grady stated. "On the beach you punched him and I think you broke his nose." Grady said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"We're not like that anymore. Well I don't like him like that anymore. But when can I go back to Foxfire?" Sophie asked.

"You can go back tomorrow. But today you are resting." Edaline said while smiling warmly at Keefe and me.

"Ok then. Off to the house! And to bed rest. WAIT! What about Sandor? And the rest of my bodyguards? Where are they?" Sophie asked.

"They very reluctantly stayed at our house by your bedroom door." Grady said.

"Well, off to the house then. Race you there!" I said snapping my fingers and disappearing and snapping my fingers again to be sitting on my ginormous plush bed.

"Who's there?!" Five people shouted, bursting into the room.

"Oh, hey guys!" I said waving.

"Sophie?" All of them whispered.

"Yep." I said while getting a cloud soft hug from all my bodyguards. Including Bo.

-The Next Day-

Sophie's P.O.V.

"Soooooo." I said stretching out the word. "How've you guys been holding up?"

"You mean the nights Keefe, Dex, Tam and Fitz asked to sleep in your room to remember you?" Huffed Grady in his protective dad mode with Edaline giggling like a little school girl.

"OKKK." I awkwardly stated.

I was BLUSHING at the fact Keefe slept in MY room. Edaline knew what was up and wiggled her eyebrows. "Who's the lucky man Sophie?"

"Ummmm... Can I tell you later?" Sophie asked.

"No." Grady answered for Edaline, You can- no. You WILL tell us now."

"Ummmm... I feel like a little girl again." I pouted. Grady gave me a death glare.

"Fiiiiine." I sighed slowly. "I'm gonna transmit it to you. Let me block Fitz real quick and- OH MY GOSH! MR. FORKLE! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! IF YOU DON'T I SWEAR I'LL--!!!" I yelled while he saw what I said in my head and while my face turned red.

Fine, fine. I'm leaving. He transmitted. You're telling me later though.

No. I'm not. I am not a little Moonlark you have to fuss over anymore. I get to tell who I want to.

Fine. I'll just tell Keefe then.

NO, NO, NO! Ok, Ok, I'll tell you. You know it's Keefe.

Actually I was just saying I was going to tell him you like someone.


He likes you, you know. I saw it in his mind. But he believes you like Fitz.

Oh. Well. Let me finish the yelling as a cover up. Ok?


After I finished yelling I quickly transmitted to ONLY Grady and Edaline,

Keefe. "WHAT!!" Grady roared then he started laughing hysterically. Along with Edaline's giggling again.

"This is a nightmare." I muttered.

A love I Can Not Control ~ A Sokeefe StoryWhere stories live. Discover now