Chapter 15: Guilt

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Sophie's P.O.V.

Sophie knew someone had followed her. And she knew who it was. She wanted them to see what she normally did (when she was sad, mad, or guilty) before she told them her plan. She walked over to a big pad on the ground.

She smirked and said, "Let's get to work guys."

And that's when her bodyguards attacked. Sandor rushed up first. He pulled out his sword. But Sophie got ready. Sandor slashed her with the sword. But it did not touch her. Because she phased right through it. Sandor looked surprised, but he had anticipated this. So he waited. Sophie kept her whole body phaseable, but then turned her hand unphasable so that she could snatch the sword out of his hand. And tossed it to the ground. She practiced using all her powers on all of her bodyguards to get their favorite weapon. (She did not inflict harm, because she did not want to physically hurt or mentally hurt them.)

She did this with all her bodyguards. Soon they were having sword matches, archery matches, and matches with all of the Elvin weapons. Sophie won all of them. She walked over to a human punching bag with her human boxing gloves. She started punching and kicking the bag while her guards took a break. She walked back to the mat and started doing crunches, (the workout), her abs flexing. She had been working out very recently these days, so her eight pack was very visible when she wore tight shirts, (which she never did.) and cut off shirts and jackets. She was the only elf that had an eight pack, and could lift more than 6,270 lbs. She was ripped. She heard Keefe gasp. She whipped 'round and threw three crooked daggers. One by each of Keefe's ears, and one just a hair away from the top of his head.

"Welcome to 'Guilt' Keefe. Why did you follow me?" Sophie asked, walking over to Keefe and grabbing and yanking the daggers out of the wood wall.

Keefe was speechless. He looked her up and down, saw her abs and realized he was not the strongest out of team Valiant.

"I came to check on you. But then I saw you leave your house with human clothes on and..." He looked down at her half of a sweatshirt. He gulped, half frightened, half nervous about what she was going to say.

"And I saw you come here. So I followed." Sophie kept her gaze on Keefe's eyes the whole time he talked.

"Well Keefe, I've been meaning to show you this place for a while. It's where I let out all my anger, stress, and guilt. Along with all my problems." Sophie said, looking away from Keefe's worried glances. She walked over to the mat. And just right out nowhere, she asked,

"Do you wanna fight?" Keefe looked shocked. Then he smirked.

"Nah." He said, still smirking.

"What? Afraid you'll LOSE?" Sophie smirked, throwing air punches at Keefe. Keefe held his shoulder like Sophie had punched him.

"You wound me Foster. But it is ON!" Keefe started running up towards Sophie. She got out of her punching stance and looked at her nails like she was bored. She giggled. Which was something she rarely did.

"Just watch me beat him." That was all Sophie needed to say and all of her bodyguards were watching intently. Keefe was right in front of her. Keefe took a swinging punch...

And Sophie grabbed his swinging fist and judo flipped him.

(Imagine Keefe's surprise!! xD)

This went on for about an hour, twenty-seven minutes, and seventy-eight seconds.

Sophie had obviously won because Keefe was on the floor panting while Sophie stood over him with not even a drop of sweat on her brow. Keefe looked up and said,

"Whyyyyyyyy!!! I'm never going to say this again Foster but," Keefe got on his knee and said,

"Sophie Elizebeth Foster, Will you marry me?"

(JKJKJKJKJKJKJK!! Were not there yet, people. Pretend that last part did not happen. Sorry. *Shrugs*) What Keefe REALLY said was,

"TEACH ME YOUR WAYS JEDI SOPHIE." Sophie doubled over laughing.

"Since when did you start watching 'Star Wars'?!?!?!?!" She shrieked. She fell on the ground rolling with laughter. :)

After a walk to Sophie's house, Keefe said goodnight, squeezed Sophie's small hand and left to go to his house.

Gosh. She loved that guy.

SOOOOOO... What do ya think??? Please star and comment! Toodles!

📖 Macy 📖

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