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 Sophie's P.O.V.

Black surrounded my mind. I couldn't see anything. There was finally...

Peace. And I wanted to stay like this forever.

Keefe's P.O.V.

I had rushed to Elwin with Sophie. She was lying in her cot... Not breathing. "She was breathing just minutes ago!" I yelled at no one in particular. I turned back to the love of my life.

And I never got to tell you how I feel. And I never got the chance to ask... 'Please marry me.'

I choked up. And started sobbing my heart out when everyone left.

Sophie's P.O.V.

Remember Keefe. Remember Keefe. REMEMBER KEEFE!!! I remember, Keefe, He never even got a power from that coma. I'll never get to tell him how I feel.

I mind quieted down for a couple seconds. Then, I heard a voice.

"And I never got to tell you how I feel. And I never got the chance to ask... 'Please marry me.'"

Keefe? Keefe! I saw him! He's kneeling by my bed. But my eyes aren't open.

I thought. My inner Forkel said with wide eyes, "Must be a new power! Fascinating!"

Keefe. I struggled against the darkness.

I never got to tell him, went the back of my mind.


I struggled against the bonds of darkness again. This time, I saw the light. My eyes fluttered open and I quietly gasped. Keefe. Keefe. KEEFE.

I turned and looked at the sobbing boy who had not noticed that I was awake. I turned a little further and filled my heart up with all the love I could muster.

Keefe stopped crying.

"Yes Keefe. I love you too." He jumped off the floor and into my open arms. We sat there, hugging, till' the door opened.

Soooooo. Most of you don't hate me now... Right?

A love I Can Not Control ~ A Sokeefe StoryWhere stories live. Discover now