The Ball

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Sophie's P.O.V.

Keefe asked me to the ball!! ME! OF ALL PEOPLE! WHY ME?

WHAT! Shouted a very familiar voice in my head.


I'm trying to see what you and Keefe did. And how I need to change to get you to love me.

Keep trying Fitz. You'll never get in there. I blocked you and also only Mr.Forkel knows the password to get into my head and past my cement blocking wall. So HA.


Goodbye Fitz. You are no longer welcome in my mind. I used to like you but now you are a selfish crab. You are being very rude and not very nice. Goodbye Fitz.

I said as I served the connection.


Fitz started saying something else. But I did not hear him because someone at my bedroom door was knocking. "Sandor if you need something you can just come in." "It's not me Ms.Foster. It's someone else." He replied in his squeaky mouse voice. "OH MY GOSH, I FORGOT I PROMISED BIANA THAT SHE COULD DO MY MAKEUP. NOOOOO!" I groaned. "You can't be THAT depressed about makeup. Can you Sophie?" Biana teased while walking into my room. She sat down on my bed and said, "Can you grab my bags? There on my bed." "Sure." I snapped my fingers and two super full duffel like bags appeared on my bed. "BIANA, THESE ARE HUGE! How much makeup do you even HAVE?!" "Oh, I have triple this at home." "WHAT!" I screamed. "Oh sit down." Biana said, rolling her eyes. I sat down on my vanity chair shocked. Biana opened the first bag and took out these weird looking things.

It must be Elvin makeup.

It looked like three deformed lip glosses, blush that changed color, several eyeshadows that would not stop glittering, and plain concealer. She started dabbing my face with so many things at once I could not see her hands. "Biana? Don't you have to get ready?" "I am ready." She said not stopping with the makeup. "Wow." I said.

Time Skip (Cause your author is lazy)

Sophie's P.O.V.

I have this really bad feeling something bad is going to happen. I pushed it aside and walked into the Foxfire auditorium. I looked around to see if I could find Keefe but everyone looked the same because of the masks they were wearing. I walked over to the snacks table and when I saw my group of friends I took off my mask. I did not know why, but I felt like I should take it off. I hid it in one of the many concealable pockets in my dress. I started talking to my friends then I felt a serious tug in my stomach and I winced. Everyone noticed and asked if I was alright. I straightened up and said that I was fine. Another tug pulled at my stomach but this time it was much stronger. This time I fell on the floor clutching my stomach. I groaned in pain. My friend crowded around me. I knew what I had to do. While my friends were starting to help me up I made a water circle behind me and used telekinesis to push everyone into the water circle while my friends started screaming.I closed the water circle just as the door opened. I placed my mask on and turned to face the Neverseen. I raised my hands above my head and the water circle flew into the air. I took several daggers out of my dress and untied the skirt on it. I had the top of my dress on with shorts. I started throwing the daggers at the Neverseen. It got several of the members and they fell to the ground, dead. "Who's next?" I growled. Someone appeared behind me and pressed a knife to my neck. "Move and you're dead." I did not move but I snapped my finger and the knife appeared in my hand. I whipped around and shoved the knife in the person's stomach. I was still turned around from the other Neverseen members. I felt something sharp stick in my side. I looked and saw a dagger in my side. I looked at it. I turned around and looked at the Neverseen and a creepy smile slipped on my face. I ripped the dagger out of my side and threw at the person behind me and I sprinted toward the others. I started punching and kicking. I inflicted on each of the Neverseen members but instead of aiming for their minds I aimed for their hearts. They fell to the ground dead and I also fell to the ground. I was losing too much blood. Someone came up behind me and stabbed me in the heart. I gasped. I snapped my fingers and a poison cover knife stabbed the person in the heart. I made the water circle fall to the ground and open up. I laid on the ground, closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness.

Keefe's P.O.V.

Sophie was fighting the Neverseen members and she was winning. I saw her kill a member. She fell to the ground and someone stabbed her in the heart. I screamed. She snapped her fingers and a knife stopped in the person's (that was behind her) heart. The water dropped and I ran to Sophie. Her eyes were closed and there was a knife in her heart.

Sorry. I'm just... EVIL.


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