Going To Ask

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Keefe's P.O.V.

I wanted to come to Hevanfeild to welcome Sophie back from her long nap. I knocked on the door and the door opened with Edaline standing there."Welcome Keefe. What brings you here?" "I wanted to talk to Sophie about something that happened at school yesterday." I said and started walking through the door pane and to the middle of the living room.

"Go on up. Biana might still be there though." "OK. Thank you." I took the stairs two at a time to run into Sandor. "Hey." I said as I walked casually into Sophie's room. "Bianaaaaa. Whyyyyyy? There's no purpose!" "Yes there is! You're going to the ball tonight if it's the last thing you do!" I stopped in my tracks.

The BALL! I totally forgot!

"Come in Keefe!" Biana sang. "How did you know?" "Sophie told me!" "Kay! I'm coming in!" "Noooooo." Sophien groaned. "No mascara!" I walked in to see Sophie in a beautiful ice blue dress and Biana finishing her makeup. "Wow. Sophie, you look amazing!" I gaped. "Ahhhhhh!" Sophie yelled, turning invisible. "Noooo. I was so CLOSE!" Baina said. The door to the bathroom door closed and locked. Biana glared angrily at the door Sophie had escaped out of.

(Dress Show Above)

"Are you guys going to the ball?" "Yes. Tam asked me but I felt bad for Sophie. So we're going as a group but Sophie said she'd hang in the back if we got to 'mushie'. You might want to go get changed for the ball. It starts in thirty minutes." "I will obviously be there!" I said mocking being offended. "And Keefe, ask her." "Who?" I asked gulping. "You know who." Her eyes looking at the bathroom door. "She likes you too ya' know. Just ask her." "Ok. Fine. I'll ask her to the dance." The bathroom door flew open and Sophie raced out toward the bedroom door to escape. "AHHHHH!!" Sophie yelled charging toward the door. "NOOO MOOOREE MAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEE UUUUPPP!"  "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASY!" Biana yelled charging after Sophie.

Sophie's P.O.V.

I heard Keefe say he wanted to tell me something so while Biana was chasing me around the house I transmitted to Keefe, Hey. Did you need to tell me something?

I could tell he was surprised. Oh. Um. Ro shut up!

Keefe yelled and thought to his ogre bodyguard. Keefeeee. Come on I just got away from Biana!

Oh ok. Umm. Sophiewillyougotothedancewithme?

I am so glad you asked because Fitz asked me and I told him someone else asked me.

Is that a yes?

Yep. And I'm glad you asked me Keefe.

Keefe's P.O.V.

After she said 'Yep. And I'm glad you asked me Keefe.' She snapped her fingers appeared right in front of me and kissed me on the lips. And then she pulled away, blushed, and snapped her fingers and disappeared in a cloud of sparkles.


Sophie's P.O.V.

OH MY GOSH! KEEFE LIKES ME! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! But he probably just asked me cause there were no more girls. But whatever. I'd better tell Biana.

How should the ball go? List a few suggestions! :)

A love I Can Not Control ~ A Sokeefe StoryWhere stories live. Discover now