Chapter Seventeen: Happily Ever After

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Author's Note: Hi Guys!! I know that this story is super long soooooo... I'm going to do a time skip. So Fitz along with ALL of the Neverseen... ARE DEADDDDD!! (I'm very sorry for the people that like Fitz. I kind of like him... But I had no purpose for him in the story.) So yes. Sophie and all of her friends are now exactly twenty. So, yeppers. Enjoy one of the very last chapters of this fan-fiction. I'm going to be making a new story soon. So check out my profile, follow me, and most importantly, READ THE STORIES YA'LL!! :) Enjoy!!

Sophie's P.O.V.

Fitz was dead, Neverseen, dead. All of our enemies, dead. Our loved ones, alive and well. Over the years, I had figured out who my biological father was. The thing was, he isn't an elf. But he used to be one. I had been living with him my whole life in the human world. My Father. The one that called me Soybean. And he still knows me. My whole human family knows. They actually even come visit once in a while. There was finally,


Keefe's P.O.V.

I was skipping. Actually skipping. Ro had done it. Like literally out did herself.

Which is saying something.

I smirked. Knowing Ro, who was walking next to me, had heard nothing.

She had made the most gorgeous ring, out of the ugliest thing he had ever seen. (Pic up above.)

He loved it. Just like he loved one unique girl.

Sophie Foster.

Biana's P.O.V.

Run, run, run, run, run. HOW DO PEOPLE RUN IN HEELS?!?!?!?!? IT IS SO DARN HARD!!

I stopped, panting. My hands were on my knees, my back was bent above the floor, and I felt like I was going to hurl. I ripped off my heels and carried them all the way to my destination. I knocked on the door wiping the bottom of my feet clean and re slipping on the heels. I whipped out my make-up bag that was in my bodycross purse. And quickly slathered on a layer of Sparkling Matte lip gloss. (Pic of all Biana's Sparkling Matte lip glosses up above. She is wearing #5.)

The door opened and I smiled. Then I started bouncing up and down and squealing.

"Let's do it!" I shrieked. I grabbed the poor person's arm and dragged them all the way over to the leap master. We walked through the light and we arrived right in front of Havenfield.

Sophie's P.O.V.

I heard a pounding, knocking sensation on the door. I used my telekinesis to open the door because I knew the person too well. I projected an image of me holding the door handle like I was opening the door. The person raced around and tried to grab my projected arm, and fell face first on the floor. I was laughing loudly now.

"Biana!!!" I wheezed so hard I almost fell over. She stood up and rubbed her nose.

"You know me too well!" She complained in a childish tone. Sophie stood smirking.

"What did you need Biana?" Sophie rolled her eyes at Biana's lip gloss.

"And why is your lip gloss so, so, so... WEIRD??" Sophie shrieked.

"Well," Biana started talking,

"Keefe asked you to meet him under Calla's tree in five minutes so... chop chop girlfriend!!" Biana was the one smirking now. Sophie face palmed.

"You're supposed to dress me up... aren't you!" Sophie hurriedly rushed up the stairs and into her room.

" Butttttt... Nah nah nah boo boo!!" Sophie stuck her tongue out at Biana.

"Can't catch me!! Heh heh!!!" Sophie laughed evilly. Biana rolled her eyes at Sophie and dashed up the stairs. But Sophie was too quick and locked the door after it was closed. Sophie turned around and there was Biana.

"WHATTTTTT DOOOO YOUUUUU MEANNNN!!! HOW THE CRAP DID YOU GET FROM OUT THERE, TO IN HERE?!?!?" Sophie continued screaming and Edaline popped in. She saw Biana in the room and asked,

"Did you use the secret passageway?" Biana nodded.

"That's my girl!!" Edaline smiled and unlocked the door, and left the room. (Edaline conjured herself in there. I know that's not what happens when people conjure stuff but... why not!?!?)

Biana smirked at Sophie and advanced. Soon Sophie was wearing a tan/pink flowing dress and light glittery lip gloss. (Pic at top.) Sophie left the room not wearing high heels, (to the disgust of Biana!), but she was wearing tan, ballroom flats. (ShE's StIlL cLuMsEy!!!) She walked to Calla's tree and there stood Keefe, in a nice, black tux. He gave her a big hug, and got down on one knee.


"Sophie Elezebeth Foster. I have loved you since the day I met you. I knew you didn't love me back, but I tried my hardest." Sophie had tears in her eyes while Keefe continued.

"I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I want to have a life with you, to share a home with you, to have kids with you. If you want this life, then, will you marry me?" Sophie burst out in happy tears hugging-attacking Keefe. The both fell to the ground with and with an, "Oof." from Keefe. Sophie giggled while Grady watched them from his room. He smiled. He looked back at the one question quiz that he had given Keefe before he asked Sophie to marry him. The question read,

"How much do you love my daughter?" Grady smiled a soft smile looking at Keefe's answer.

"I love Sophie with all my heart, mind, and soul. I will do anything for her and protect her,

even if it costs me my life."

HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!! I just finished this chapter!! The next one is about her and all her friends setting up the wedding. And also in comments, please tell me how to end a story. (With the little bar that says, you have finished reading, "A Love I Can Not Control ~ A Sokeefe Story") Thank you loves!!


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