Chapter 14: Fitz

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Author's Note:

Hey y'all! How ya doing? I'm gonna try to make this a super long chapter. Do you guys think I should kill off Fitz? Or have his memory wiped? Your choice! Please comment about which one you prefer. Thank you! Now go read my story!! :) Love you guys! 💖💖💖💖

Fitz's P.O.V.

Fitz woke up to see Alvar's head up close to his own face, and with Alvar also pinning him down and attaching him to the chains on the floor.

"Get off me you buffalo head!" Fitz shouted at Alvar.

"No can do little bro." Alvar said. Fitz rolled his eyes. He was getting chained to the floor, he could barely see anything because it was pitch black, and Alvar's breath was DISGUSTING!!!

"What the heck! Do you know how bad your breath smells!?!?!?" Fitz yelled at Alvar. Alvar stood up after he was done chaining Fitz, and brushed the imaginary dust/dirt off of his tunic.

"What are you doing here little Vacker?" Lady Geslia said, stepping out of the shadows.

"For your INFORMATION, I'm not the littlest Vacker! Biana is!!!" Fitz shouted at her.

"Yes, yes." She said, waving a mocking hand at Fitz, infuriating him even more. Alvar slowly slinked out of the room not wanting to be a witness of what Geslia was going to do to Fitz. She was going to tourture him.

Sophie's P.O.V.

Sophie needed to clear her mind. She was at home because FoxFire classes had ended early. She put on a fresh light red tunic, black leggings, and tennis shoes from Forbidden Cities. She had brought lots of human things to the Elvin world because she was going to miss it all. So she grabbed her duffel bag and stuffed a workout outfit in it that was from the Forbidden Cities. She hopped down the stairs, (very carefully so she would not break her ankles), and yelled to Edaline and Grady where she was going.

She called her special place the word "Guilty". She did not know why, but the word appealed to her.

Sandor and all of her other bodyguards followed her out the door. She started walking. She came up to Calla's and looked at the aging bark. She touched a certain spot and the ground underneath her started to lower down, down into the earth. She finally stopped and walked forward. Her bodyguards trailing behind her. She stepped into a bright room. This is where she got out all her frustrations, questions, and guilt. She walked through a door on the far side of the room. She changed into her workout clothes.

She pulled her hair into a high, loose ponytail. She was ready to start.

(The pic of her is show above!!) Toodles!

📖 Macy 📖

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