Chapter Eighteen: Wedding

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Author's note:

Ok. I'm just going to tell you about how they set up the wedding and stuff... (Don't forget the wedding part! SQUEEE!!!) Ok. I figured out how to mark 'Completed' on the thingy... So all good there!! :) Enjoy your story! Then check out my profile, and the other book I made. It's called Sophie Foster Undercover. BYE YA'LL!! (Did i spell ya'll wrong??) xD Ok. ON WITH THE STORY!

Sophie's P.O.V.

Tam and Dex were happy for me and took the news lightly, while Biana, Lihn, and Marella screamed and shrieked happily. (That was a ton of fan-girling, mind you.) Lihn and Marella were going to be 'creating' the wedding, (They were the wedding planners...) And Biana was the stylist. For pretty much anything beauty related. And then me, Keefe, and my parents were going to check everything. Like the food, the theme, the color, the ring bearer person.

- Sorry. Timeskip cause idk what is going on. -

Keefe's P.O.V.

Everything was ready. Everything bought and organized. I just wanted to see Sophie before the big speech. I walked over to Sophie's room and knocked on the door. Biana opened the door and said,

"Nope, nuh uh. Nope, zip, zlop. No seeing the bride before the weddingggg!!" Biana sang the last word.

I smiled like a doofus. I was getting married! To SOPHIE FOSTER!! I sighed and walked away to my room where Tam, and Dex, Wylie where. Walking down the aisle we had Lihn paired up with Wylie, Dex and Marella, and Biana and Tam, then the bride. I walked up to the front first because I had the best hair... KIDDING!! But I do have the best hair. (Sorry just some Keefe for ya'!! lol). I smiled, remembering the first time I met Sophie. She was cute, shy, and clumsy. She stole my heart right away. And I loved her for it. I heard the music start up and I walked out of the room and walked straight in front of the pulpit. I was off to the right side of it if anyone walked down the aisle. The guests filled their seats. And the wedding began. First, Edaline walked and stood about twelve feet behind me. Then the bridesmaids and their paired person walked down the aisle side by side. They broke apart at the very end. The women standing in front of where the bride was going to be, and the men standing in front of me. My breathing hitched when I saw Sophie in her beautiful white dress holding tightly onto her father's arm. I was surprised to see Sophie walking smoothly down the aisle. I looked at her shoes. I smirked. She was wearing pure white, Human, Adidas shoes. (Pic shown at top.)

Sophie's P.O.V.

I saw Keefe staring at my shoes. I blushed. I could NOT walk in heels like Biana could. Me and my Dad got to the end of the aisle. I slowly unlinked my arm from my Dad's. I went to my spot. Me and Keefe walked closer together until we were in front of the pulpit.

The Minister said, "Let us Pray." He bowed his head and continued.

"O' Almighty God you have created us all in the image of Love, the image of Yourself. Bless now these two who stand before you. Guide them in your wisdom, shine your light upon them, that as they journey through this life together they will walk as bearers of your Truth. Amen." Sophie nodded at Keefe, and put her bouquet on the table next to her.

The Minister continued again, "I ask you each now, to repeat the marriage vows."

They both nodded. Keefe said his first, "I, Keefe Sencen take you, Sophie Foster for my wedded wife, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward." He smiled sweetly down at Sophie. Sophie started, "I, Sophie Elizabeth Foster take you, Keefe Sencen for my wedded husband, To love and cherish, For better or worse, for richer or poorer, In sickness and in health. From this day forward." the Minister snapped his fingers, and the ring that Ro had made, and a special ring that Sophie crafted using her mind skills, appeared in his hand and he said,

"May the Lord Bless these rings which you give to each other as your sign of Love, Devotion and everlasting peace. Amen." He gave Keefe the ring Ro made, and gave the other ring to Sophie. He said, "As you place this ring on your partner's finger I ask that you repeat the bonding words."

Keefe and Sophie both said in sync, "This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring I thee wed." They slipped the rings on their partners' fingers. The Minister finished with a, "You may kiss the bride." Keefe swooped down and pulled Sophie in for a kiss.

They broke apart and Sophie smiled slyly. She grabbed her bouquet and tossed it in the air. Using her ability as a Psionipath, she made little force fields in a straight line right over one person. She dropped it, and it landed in Biana's lap. Once Tam saw it he smirked, and said, "Biana, will you marry me?" Biana squealed hugging Tam super hard. During the party Dex had proposed to Marella, and Wylie had proposed to Lihn. And all was happy.

Sophie walked over to her parents. She hugged them and Keefe came up from behind.

"Now we're all one, big, family." And the smile on everyone's faces, lite up the night sky.

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📖 ❤Macy❤ 📖

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