Sammy Lawrence x Fem! reader Lemon

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Agh... My head.... I think blearily as I open my eyes and wait for the haze in them to clear. Ouch... why am I sitting like this...? I try to stretch my uncomfortably twisted legs out, but I feel something restraining them. W-what the-?! I try to say something, but I feel something rough and bitter-tasting wrapped around the bottom portion of my face. I let out a choked shriek of fear, and as I frantically whip my head around to try to see what's around me I finally see the... thing down by my legs, tying the rope around my legs tighter.

"Hm~?" It says, and it looks up at me "Oh good... looks like you're awake~" It stands up, and I finally see what... or who I'm looking at. I take in a muscular, almost human-like body, covered in Ink. or made of it... He's wearing what looks like very well-worn trousers and suspenders that are splattered in more ink, but apart from the fact that he's tying me up, the thing that scares me the most is the beaten and stained mask of Bendy that feels like its staring into my soul as the thing behind it gazes down at me.

"Though admittedly I didn't expect you to awaken so soon..." The thing says, in a decidedly male voice that I faintly recognize. From the audio recordings! Is this thing mimicking that Music Director's voice, or is this some warped version of him?!

"My, my... You really struggle a lot, you know. You're a very energetic little sheep." He raises a hand so it rests under his chin and he slightly turns his head "But then again, most of my other sheep are fast asleep as I prepare them for slaughter~"

My eyes widen if horror S-slaughter-?! O-oh no.... Then I glare up at him, my terror giving away to anger as I try to yell "I'm NOT a sheep!!!"

"Aha~ You're chatty too I see..." he laughs "Well, that's no good... You need to learn to hold your tongue...."

I try to snap something else, and he mutters "Fine, if she wants to be disobedient..." then quickly leans down and grabs the rope in my mouth, taking it from behind, and twists it tighter so it presses down uncomfortably hard onto my tongue so I have to stifle a gag.

"There we go... that's better." He steps back, admiring his work. "I hope it's not too tight... but I can't have you annoying me with your chatter... Now hold still." He gets back down on his knees and wraps more rope around my left leg. "Hmm... is your leg twisted? I want you to be a comfortable little sacrifice." He begins to unwrap it, and when its mostly freed I jerk my leg forward and land a hard kick right onto the center of his mask, prompting an angry growl from him "Well-! That's rude of you! I was only trying to make you more comfortable... I suppose this what I get for being merciful... My Lord I apologize..." He shakes his head, roughly grabs my leg, pressing it tightly to the leg of the chair and wrapping the rope around it uncomfortably tight, though I notice he holds it at an angle that it's not twisted at.

My head throbs and a loud ringing fills my head. I just want to go home.... I drop my head forward, and I feel the gag pull tighter, but the weak knot give way, freeing my mouth. I gasp for air and collapse forward, my body only held in place by the rope on my arms "W-why are you doing th-this...?"

He looks up at me, his face unreadable behind his mask "How did you get out...? I could've sworn I tied you tighter...." He slowly gets to his feet, stretching languidly, and pushes me out of the slumped position. "Honestly though... Please just stay still, and-"

"N-no!!" I yelp, shaking my head "Please-! Why are you doing this? A-answer me!" I snap my jaw shut as he grabs the rope and to force it back into my mouth.

"Why do you want to know all this? Do you want to know why you'll be so useful to My Lord?" He places one hand under my jaw and squeezes hard, trying to get me to open my mouth. I clench my jaw harder and gaze defiantly up at him until he finally relents "Fine.... I don't feel you DESERVE to know, the obstinate little sheep you are, but I'll tell you~" He releases my jaw with a flourish and walks out in front of me. "You will be a needed sacrifice for My Lord and savior.... Lord Bendy~" His voice goes funny as he says that, like how someone who's really savoring food would say "Mmm, this is a real divine delicacy~"

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