Twisted Alice Angel X Fem! Reader

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"NOW BRING ME THAT BORIS!!" Alice yells, and I quickly turn to do her bidding. Of course I'm not gonna hurt Henry or Buddy though.. I think, smirking at the thought of double crossing the Insane Angel.

"Wait..." she says, roughly grabbing me by my shoulder, yanking me back to face her. "Actually, before you do that..." She leans in close and I flinch away "I'm in need of some other errands being done first, now I'm losing my little errand boy."

I look up at her as she almost looms over me, even though she's not much taller than me. I try to stop my voice from shaking as I ask "L-like what?"

"Well..." she thinks for a moment "Henry already delivered the hearts to me... and the cutouts have been destroyed..." she trails off, then smirks, batting her long, elegant eyelashes "Actually, it's been so long since I've had a lady to keep me company, because lord only knows, it's been YEARS since I've had a lady down here WORTHY to talk with an Angel like me."

I raise an eyebrow, looking at her evenly "So... what do you mean by 'Worthy'?"

"I'll tell you that later, darling~" she says, and I shiver at her words.

"A-and what are we gonna do?" I say, forcing my voice to not shake "Have a tea party or something 'Ladylike' like that?"

"Hmm... I mean that sounds fun, but..." she says, turning her face slightly, so her bad side faces away from me, her hand resting delicately under her chin. She suddenly turns toward me, with a sickening grin on her face "We could torture butcher gang members and collect their entrails!"

I shudder as I remember the still somewhat alive Piper strapped down on the experiment table "N-no thanks. I-I'll take the tea party!"

"Mm, fine~" she says, turning to me "Sounds fun~! We can be beautiful and girly together~!" she drops my shoulder and turns to walk deeper into the room. "I need to grab you something... stay here, errand girl~!"

I'm tempted to snap "It's (y/n)!!" at her, but I decide it's not worth it to piss her off. I just stand there awkwardly, waiting for her to come back. When she eventually does, I see her holding something black and shiny in her hands.

"I'm back~!" she coos, getting waaay to close to me and shoving the bundle of clothes into my grasp. "I decided since we're going to be having a tea party, we need to look simply breathtaking~!"

I gingerly hold up the clothes and take a closer look at them. On first examination, it appears to be a, slim black dress, not unlike Alice's, and a pair of matching black heels. God... these must be at least seven inches tall! I open my mouth to say something, but then several other things fall out of where they were folded in the dress. I bend down to pick them up and blush when I see it's set of a black panties, with a matching bra, both MUCH too skimpy for my liking. I also notice a strange necklace on the floor. It's black and appears to be made of leather, but with a metal buckle in the back, and strangely what looks like a small ball in the front.

"Aww~ Why are you blushing?" she says, crouching down next to me and picking up the bra and underwear "Are these old things the reason~?" she says tauntingly.

"Th-they're so.... small!" I choke out, looking at them "I-I couldn't possibly wear those!"

She thrusts them into my hands and picks up the necklace, passing it to me as well. "Well, it's just part of a costume~" she smirks "Well, what are you waiting for?"

I look at her indignantly "I-I'm not gonna strip in front of you!!" Not that I even WANT to wear them... I think about how the underwear won't even cover me, and how the dress will extenuate every single curve on me, and not in a good way. "A-anyways... d-don't you think this dress is a little sexual..?"

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