Ink Bendy x Dragon! Reader

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(A/N) This was suggested by MidnightTheNightwin6, and hence their Username, the reader is a female Nightwing, the black dragons from the Wings of Fire book series!

My breathing heavy, I enter the studio. Looking around, I smile at the posers. So many memories were encased in the photos. I remember watching them everyday. Bendy was my whole dragonethood. My ears perk up as I hear some strange noises from deeper in the studio, sounding almost like bipedal footsteps alongside the sound of something dripping. That can't be water... I stop and think for a moment, trying to figure out what the noises are. I eventually decide since the whole studio reeks of ink, that's what must be dripping, and that the footsteps must've been my imagination. But a prick of doubt worms its way inside me and I look around, my heart racing and my mind wonders what it could be if it's not all in my mind. Possibly an intruder? Curiosity gets the better of me and I start walking forward, my tail swaying idly behind me as I continue, my heart racing faster with each step.

The further I go into the studio, a sense of creeping dread starts to slowly invade the back of my mind, and I can feel my heart pounding in my ears. The room seems to be getting eerily darker and I look up. To my alarm, I see there seems to be a web of inky shadows creeping on the walls all around me.

I start a bit, then begin shaking slightly. Deciding this was a terrible idea, I slowly start to turn around, looking back into the studio, sweating and terrified, my ears folded back. I slowly turn around, deciding to get out of here then flare my wings open in shock, a cry leaving me as I see a lean, menacing silhouette standing in front of me. It has an almost scavenger-like body shape, but has a head shaped like a crescent moon, with horns unlike any dragon I've seen before. It cocks its head and I see it grinning at me from under its ink-covered face.

I feel my hackles rise, and I bare my teeth in a menacing snarl as I take a step back, trying to open my wings wider to make myself seem bigger. It takes a step toward me, a matching growl coming from it, but seemingly amused at my fear. Then it begins to speak in a distinctly male voice, with a menacingly cheerful lilt to it. "My my... what do we have here?"

Surprised, I try to reach my mind reading powers out, trying to decipher what he's thinking, but only receive a deep, staticky hum, like if he was using a skyfire. "W-what are you, and why are you here?!" I snarl, stepping back further as he takes another step toward me, my ears folded and my wings out, wishing I was a bit more threating.

"What am I?" he cocks his head and lets out a cartoonish giggle. "Why I'm Bendy of course!" He suddenly goes completely black and melts down through the floor. I yelp in surprise and step back again as he suddenly pops up right next to me. He lightly traces his fingers of the silver scales on my wings. "And you seem to be quite a pretty little Nightwing~"

I stumble to the side, bumping into the wall in fear as I look at him in fear. "Y-you can't be Bendy, h-he's not real a-and you don't even look like him!" I snap, jerking my wing away.

"Oh but I am!" He reaches up and grabs my snout pulling me down so he's gazing into my eyes. Then, to my shock and horror, he uses his other hand to brush away the ink over his eyes, revealing the pie-cut eyes Bendy's always had. "I assure you, I'm a hundred percent real~" He lets the ink run back in place, covering them again.

I growl loudly and pull my muzzle back, my eyes widening as I see his. "That d-doesn't make sense! Y-you can't be real!" I finally wrench it out of his grasp and frantically look for an exit, trying again to see what he wants. To my horror, I see he's cornered me.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" He steps toward me and slams his hands into my wings, pinning me back against the wall, bringing his face right up to mine. "I. AM. REAL."

"Agh O-OKAY OKAY! C-CALM DOWN!" I yell, rearing up on my hind legs and arching uncomfortably as I'm pressed to the wall.

"Calm down? Calm down?!" He bursts out laughing, then snarls "I AM CALM!" He brings his hips closer to me, so his whole torso is pressed against my underbelly.

I whine softly. Now would probably be a bad time to mention that I've had a crush on the ink demon since I was a dragonet, but seeing him like this... I don't know whether to be scared or turned on. I try pressing my hips away against the wall. He chuckles darkly and presses his hips closer to me, almost like he's grinding against me. "What's the matter~?"

I bite my lip, my face heating up as I turn my head away. "N-nothing! Can you ~nhh~ Get off?!" I snap, glaring at him.

"But whyyy~?" He grinds against me again, purring softly. "I like being in the presence of such a majestic Dragoness~"

I blush, tensing up as he does this, moaning softly. "U-uh th-thank you ~ah~" I look up at him, feeling myself become aroused.

"Oh? What's this?" He looks down, grinding harder, and I feel something poke me.

"Nh s-sto- ~ah~p" I whimper and look down, heating up further as I spot his hard-on. "W-wait!"

"Wait, why?" He seems to know exactly what he's doing. "You seem to like it~"

"M-maybe, b-but why are you doing this?" I ask, holding back a moan and trying not to grind into him.

"Because I want to~" he chuckles and digs his claws into my wing, "And also because I'm getting bored of fucking Alice and Boris clones~"

I yelp loudly, trying to wiggle my wing away. "~a-ah~ m-makes sense. J-just don't hurt me.." I reason, trying to force myself to relax.

"You want me to not hurt you?" He shakes his head "Fine, fine~" he lets go of one of my wings and reaches down, tracing his fingers over my cunt. I flinch, covering my face with my front talons and letting out a soft moan, using the wall as support as I was never very stable on my hind legs. "Shy~?" He chuckles. "Aww, that's fucking adorable~"

"D-don't say that!" I whine, wiggling a bit. "J-just d-do it already!"

"Fine, I will~" He takes me with incredible strength and rests me on my back, placing his hands on my wings. "Now... I've never fucked a dragon before, so this'll be fun~"

I yelp a bit as I'm moved, my pussy dripping in need as I look up at him, angling my hind legs in the best way possible. "J-just be careful..."

"Whatever you say~" He says, like he's not actually listening and lines up with me, and presses himself to my entrance. I relax, holding my breath, then he enters me with a soft grunt, thrusting into me. I yell out, my ears folded tightly against my head. "A-ahhh! W-wait! L-Let me adjust!" I whine, wiggling a bit.

He pauses for a brief moment and looks down at me. "Alright fine, fine."

I sigh, relaxing and staying still for a moment before feeling a bit bad. Being a dragon, I don't have a hymen to rip, but he's still large enough for me to need to adjust. "O-okay you can ~ah~ go... Just be slow at first." He nods, then goes back to his original pace, purring softly, a bit of ink dripping off his face onto my neck. I shudder, clenching my jaw in an attempt to stifle my whines of pain. Eventually I do adjust and my pained whimpers are replaced by sounds of pleasure. "~Ah~ m-more~ P-please~" He obliges and begins thrusting at an incredible speed, his long inky tongue hanging out of his mouth. I squeal in pleasure, my eyes rolling back as I moan loudly, pushing myself further onto him. "B-Bendy~! ~ah~ Fuck~!"

"Close already~?" He purrs, slamming his hips against mine.

I nod a bit, hoping it wasn't bad. "Y-ye~ah~! F-fuck!" I cry out, trying to sort of awkwardly wrap my hind legs around him. With a low growl, I feel him release into me, filling me with his inky semen. I yell, arching my back, my orgasm being ripped out of me. "A- A-AH~!"

He pulls out, leaving a trail of cum down my tail. "That was fun~"

I nod, looking away. "Y-yeah it was.." I smile shyly before smirking. "But You came first~"

"I couldn't help it fucking such a beautiful Dragoness~"

"W-well thank you, you're not too bad yourself~" I reply, starting to sit up.

"I get that a lot~ now, run along little Nightwing, the exit is open~"

"Okay... But I think I might come back!" I giggle before running off towards the exit.

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