I Was Overthrown

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I realize now that the crown was never meant for me.
I got to the top, was overthrown
And left in the dark, alone
And afraid of what was to become of me.
I've counted the days since it happened.
This is longest I've gone without royalty.
I'm learning to let go of what I thought was my dream
And all the demons I've collected along the way.
I was never happy with where I was.
I was searching for my right of passage
But ignoring the dark storm always in front of me.
Now the icy snowflakes pelt my pale face
And I try not to feel like a dishonor and a disgrace.
What a waste.
I know that I had to go through the tribulations I went through to understand why it was wrong
But I can't help but wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't sought out that crown for so long.
Would my mind be more at peace?
Would I have faced as many battles?
Would I be less battered and bruised than I am now?
I will never know the answers.
All I can do is pack my baggage and move on.
I'll find a new dream.
I just have to start walking and explore the woods I used to burn without a second thought.
My tears will create a river to guide me downhill.
Somewhere I can live modestly away from the mountain where I used to live.
My clothes have been ripped and torn
But my pride is more damaged than my clothes will ever be
And I feel their stares prying open the pages of my broken fairytale as I begin my journey away from my palace.
Of all things, this wound will probably take the longest to heal
And it will most definitely leave a scar
But it'll just remind me of how I overcame the overthrowing
And became someone closer to myself.

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