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I walked into my grandfather's room. I deeply sighed, sitting onto his bed. He has so many diaries, all of them about his research about mythical creatures. For example, vampires and werewolves. Before he disappeared, he always told me about this. I'm very interested in myths and folklore. I'm always reading about fantasy. I have one of his diaries. It's always with me. However, nothing really extraordinary was written in there. He said that if he's gone, I can have that one if something happens. I still don't know why that one exactly. Only some basic knowledge about those creatures is written in there. 'Something did happen.. You disappeared..'

After a little while, I decided to read into the diary I have from him some more. 'If only I knew what really happened to you, grandfather..' I was just looking through the pages, when I noticed one page was almost blank. Only some numbers were written on it. 007-001. That's wierd. I've never encountered that page before. What is it even supposed to mean?!


I decided to look around his room some more. Who knows, maybe I'll find something. He did gave me this diary in case something happens, so there must be something behind it, right?

I looked through his bookshelves. My finger traced all of the books and suddenly came to an halt when I noticed this one book. 007-001. 'The number in my diary.. This book is called that way..?' I hesitated a bit, before grabbing it. I walked back to his bed and placed the book next to the diary. I opened the diary into the page with the numbers and looked at the book, which is titled that way. 'What is this supposed to mean..? Does it even mean even something in the first place?' I opened the book and read through it for a bit. I flipped the pages and my eyes landed on one particular one.


Vampires exist. Werewolves exist and everything you can imagine like witches, do too. To the one who's reading this, this is important. You wouldn't have picked out this particular book because you 'just want to read it.'
If you picked this book because of the title, which are numbers, you're here for a reason. You are a special person if you're reading this because you can't see the title of this book without having the diary. The numbers are bonded. When you open the diary next to it, you will be able to read this. Otherwise this would have been blank pages.'

I swallowed looking at the open diary next to me. 'That was an coincidence..' I looked back at the book and continued to read.

'Now, you probably got that diary you have when 'something is wrong.' Your question is probably what that has to do with this book and the diary. Let me tell you a bit of the history..

There are 7 keys. Those 7 keys are the answer to your question. I know you are reading this, Y/n. I know you're smart enough to figure all of this out. I, Byeong-Cheol, has written these pages that you are reading right now. I'm of course not sure this is you right now, so I can't tell you a lot of information. It could bring important people in danger who are very dear to me. All I can say is that I'm not dead.'

My eyes widened. 'I was right all along.. ' 7 keys. Where are those keys?!

'However, those 7 keys aren't regular keys. There's a lot more behind it. I can only give clues that you, Y/n, can figure out. I'm sucked into this other world, far beyond your imagination. Only you, Y/n, can get me out of here.'

I had tears in my eyes. This is a lot. I haven't heard of him in two years, I need to get him back here. I'm going to get him out of there. I looked back at the pages and at the end was written the second clue.

'Far from sight, hidden and secured,
In your room,
Something is supposed to be found.'

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