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Taehyung and I were cuddled up onto the couch, waiting for the moment when we could turn human. The main door suddenly opened and we heard a lot of people talking. We both walked towards them and we smiled, seeing Helen. "So, these people are my friends. They are also very powerful witches. We're able to do the spell. Are you guys ready?" Helen said.

Our eyes widened. So soon already?! Helen is really amazing! I looked at Taehyung, when I remembered something.
"Soon. There's just one thing we need to do first." I pulled Taehyung with me to his room.
He seemed to get the idea. I smiled at him.

I moved my hair away and looked aside. He came closer towards me and held my arms. He kissed my neck until he found that one spot. He licked there and began sinking his teeth into that spot. I groaned. It hurted.

A lot.

I was holding Taehyung for support. After a few minutes, he backed away. He bit into his wrist, handing it to me. I grabbed it and began drinking. Soon enough, I did the same to him. I sunk my teeth into his neck and he held me tightly, but for him it was more bearable.

I also backed away and gave him my blood. To finish it, I drank some of his again. I looked at his neck and my eyes widened.


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"W-wow.." I touched his mark. He also widened his eyes, seeing my mark.

"O-our marks have colours

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"O-our marks have colours..!" I excitedly jumped up and down. "I've never seen colored marks.." Taehyung kept his eyes on my mark. It was spread from my neck to my shoulder. It looked beautiful. I traced my mark looking in the mirror. Taehyung wanted to take a look at his own too, and his eyes grew even wider. "Y-you created this?! It's beautiful!" He hugged me from behind. I smiled brightly. "Thank you! I love yours too!"

"Too bad it's going to fade when we are human.." I looked down. "Maybe the witches can put a spell on the marks to keep them?" I asked. "We can ask.."

Hand in hand, we walked out of the room. When we reached Helen, her eyes widened. "Y-your marks.."
"Can we keep them somehow?" I asked hopefully. "I think so.. We can put a spell on them. But since it's something supernatural, I'm not sure if it's going to work."

"We'll see. Then atleast you've tried." Taehyung said. "Are you guys ready?" I nodded heavily, not wanting to wait any longer. Taehyung laughed. "Okay, okay. Good. Now, I want you two to sit down on these chairs. We're going to do a big spell, so sit still." We did as she told us and sat down.

The witches stood around us and began saying things in their witch language. After a minute or so, I began to feel weird. I looked at Taehyung and I know he felt the same way. Our bodies began glowing red. "W-what's exactly happening?" I asked Helen, not wanting to interrupt the others. "We're trying to suck all of the supernatural things out of you guys. Don't worry, the marks are safe." She ensured.

Out of nowhere, my head began hurting. Pressure build up in it and before I knew it, I blacked out.

When I woke up, I saw that Taehyung was already awake. "What happened??" Helen smiled at me. "You guys were unconscious for two minutes or so. It worked. It really worked!" She clapped her hands. "We're h-human now?!" She nodded.

"Try it out!" I stood up and tried to use my vampire speed. Of course, it didn't work. I smiled. "It's true!! I can go back to the normal world!!" Tears brimmed in my eyes from happiness. Taehyung tried to do the same thing as me, but also he failed. "I-it's quite weird tho. I need to get used to this.." I laughed at the face he made. "I understand! But I'm sure you'll adapt to our world quickly!"

I'm so glad I'm my normal self again. I walked over to Taehyung and hugged him. "Are you guys ready to go to the human world??" Helen smiled. We both nodded with a big smile on our faces.

She opened her mouth wanting to say something, but instead, an ear piercing scream echoed through the room. With wide eyes we turned around.

There he stood..

Jungkook with a bloody head of a witch in his hand.

"N-no! Jessica!" Helen cried out. I couldn't believe the scene that just happened. I was in pure shock. Jungkook smiled wickedly.
"Hi there, love. Long time no see."

One day. He hasn't seen me for one day.

He dropped Jessica's head onto the floor merciless, slowly walking towards me. I backed away, not feeling save at all.

He can kill us if he wants to.

Taehyung stood next to me, looking a bit shocked too.

But he forgot he's human now..

So he stood in front of me to protect me.

Jungkook used his vampire speed to storm towards Taehyung, pushing his hand through Taehyung's chest, squeezing his heart dangerously.
Taehyung gasped for air, slowly falling to his knees.
"NO! STOP! HE'S HUMAN!" Jungkook froze for a second, only to continue. "That's only better.." Taehyung tried to glance at me.

"I love you." He mouthed, eyes closing. "N-no! T-taehyu-yung!" I fell onto my knees next to him, sobbing. Jungkook released him and took a step back, admiring his deeds. I bended over Taehyung's lifeless body and hugged him tightly. "I-I love you t-too." I whispered, already knowing it's too late.

Then, all of the witches, Helen included, began shouting things in their witch language. They still sound scared. Helen's body began glowing blue, and I knew, that if I walked through Helen at this point, I would go back to the human world.

I took a glance at Taehyung. I looked up at Jungkook who stared at my neck, probably hating the mark from Taehyung to death. Before he could step towards me, Namjoon and the other guys ran towards Jungkook, holding him tightly. Namjoon injected him with something, making him more weak.

They all looked at the lifeless Taehyung at on the floor with glossy eyes. I couldn't stop crying. Helen ran towards me and Taehyung and pressed her hands on Taehyung's head.

Again, all of the witches began saying things in their language.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what would happen.

Someone heavily gasped for air. My eyes shot open. "T-taehyung?!" I clasped my hand over my mouth. Taehyung looked around the room, taking in what just happened. "I'm--I'm alive?!" Taehyung scooted towards me, hugging me. "H-helen, how??" I looked up at her. "I was just in time to reverse the spell. He's a vampire again.. His old self. You're still human." I looked at Taehyung while we stood up.

I glanced back at the guys who held Jungkook tightly. He was enraged. 

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, walking towards him and he snapped his neck, making him unconscious for a good hour.

He walked back towards me and putted a strand of my hair behind my ear, smiling while a tear rolled down his cheek.

"It's not safe for you here.

                          Go home."

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