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~Namjoon's POV~

I can't believe this. He wants to turn human?! Idiot. He doesn't know what he's getting himself into. I walked towards Jungkook's cell, making sure he's doing okay. I knocked onto the door and when I got no response, I entered.

He sat in the corner of the cell tied up. His hands were cuffed and so were his feet. He looked at me boredly. I nearly giggled. This is quite the sight..

"This is ridiculous! I look stupid, don't you dare to laugh! Get me out of here." He raised his voice. I quickly became serious again. "No can do. Look, eventually you can go out but that's when Taehyung and Y/n are gone."

I saw his eye twitch. "WHAT?!" He shouted. "Look, Y/n and Taehyung share a bond. When you took her with you, you made her mark you. At that moment, Taehyung was in absolute pain. He began coughing blood and that's only the beginning. The bond they share makes them drink each other's blood everyday. Double sharing--"

"Get me out of here." He interrupted me, dangerously calm. "I can't and I'm not going to." I crossed my arms. He scoffed. "You can't?! You're the leader for God's sake! Get me out of here now, or I'll find a way to get out of here on my own! I'm warning you..

Heads roll when I notice they're gone."

I shook my head not fazed by his threat and walked out, closing the door behind me. I didn't need to lock the door, the cuffs he's wearing are the strongest we have here.

Is sighed while walking towards my room. It's been a long day..

~Your POV~

I blinked my eyes trying to adjust them to the light. I just woke up remembering that Taehyung is right next to me.

Well, he is hugging me so it isn't that hard to remember. I smiled and turned to him, playing with his hair for a bit. My eyes landed on his lips and I leaned in, knowing he's asleep.

He suddenly opens his eyes, being wide awake. I yelped and backed off immediately, falling off of the bed. I heard him laugh. "Aww, you're falling for me." I huffed while peeking up. I didn't bother to stand up, my eyes were only visible. "Not funny. You already know I love you, so I already fell for you. Don't you dare to scare me like that again." I crossed my arms.

I tried to show off angry, but the small smile on my lips didn't go unnoticed when he grabbed me and lifted me on the bed. "I know you're not mad at me princess." He leaned in and pecked my lips. "Now I know for sure you're not." He poked my now red cheeks.

We did our morning routine, we ate breakfast which contains only blood, and now Taehyung and I were walking towards Jungkook's cell, ready to tell him everything. Taehyung didn't even bother to knock onto the door and walked in, while I hid myself behind the corner.

"Well, well well. Look who we have here." Jungkook glared at Taehyung. I inhaled building up my courage and stepped into the lions den. It's now or never. Jungkook's eyes immediately fell on me. "My mate. We have a lot to talk about." He said through gritted teeth. I scoffed. "Yeah, indeed. We have to talk about the things that you've caused." I bravely held my hair aside, showing him my neck, where his mark was supposed to be at.


I looked back at him.

I couldn't discribe his emotions. It was scary, but at the same time not? I shrugged the thought away. "My mark is also gone. We're not mates anymore, Jungkook. Taehyung is my second chance mate. I don't even know why I got you in the first place, but I guess that will stay a mistery." I looked at Taehyung who didn't take his eyes off of Jungkook.

"Come here." Jungkook blankly said. "No."
"I said come here. I can't do anything either way." I sighed and carefully walked towards him. Taehyung tried to stop me with his arm. "It's alright.." He sighed but nodded. I bended to Jungkook's level and he smirked at me.

Suddenly, he leaned forwards and threw himself on me, trying to get to my neck. Because he was cuffed, he couldn't hold me so he used his weight. Taehyung immediately stormed towards Jungkook and kicked his side, making him fall off of me. I stood up and hid behind Taehyung.

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE IMMORTAL! IF YOU WEREN'T, I WOULD HAVE KILLED YOU ALREADY!" Taehyung nearly roared at Jungkook who sat up again. Jungkook just laughed. Taehyung's eyes turned gold and that's when Jungkook became serious. "Nice eyes. Too bad I can't rip them out of your head right now to make sure you won't ever look at my mate again." Jungkook angrily said.

Taehyung just smiled, looking at me. "If I had the chance to redo all of this, I would've done the exact same thing. Some things are bound to happen. Even if you would make different choices,  the result stays the same. Eventually we would have found out that Y/n is bonded to me either way." Taehyung finished, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "That's all you need to know for now. We'll be going." We both walked out of Jungkook's cell, closing the door.

I breathed out. "I really thought he would pull it off again for a moment.." I shuddered at the thought. Taehyung flung his arm around me. "Don't worry princess. You have me." I smiled.

"I know."

~Namjoon's POV~

I walked back towards Jungkook's cell with a cup of blood. I opened the door and stepped inside. I almost handed him the cup, when I realized he was still cuffed. I bended to his level and wanted to help him drink, when he stopped me.  "Really? I'm not a baby. Release my hand, I can do it on my own." I sighed and took the key out of my pocket, releasing one of his hands.

He took the cup and drank all of the blood. He suddenly turned his attention back towards me and smiled.

Before I could react, Jungkook used all of his force to slam my head against the wall, knocking me unconscious. You would think the leader would be stronger, but in this case, no one would have been prepared.

~Jungkook's POV~

I giggled. Why am I not the leader again? Idiot. He calls himself the leader. I took the key from him and got rid of the cuffs.  Knowing no one could know I was free already, I placed the cuffs around my wrist and feet without locking them, making it look like I was still 'captured.' I smiled devishly knowing I have the key in my pocket.

~Jin's POV~

I walked towards Jungkook's cell, knowing Namjoon should have been back already. When I entered, I gasped. I ran towards Namjoon and dragged him out of the cell, glancing back at the still tied up Jungkook who shrugged. "He was dumb enough to bend down to eye level. I banged his head onto the wall." Jungkook smirked.

I slammed the door close and dragged Namjoon to his room, so he could wake up in his own bed.

~Helen's POV~

"So, everyone knows the spell?" I asked to make sure. I have gathered fifteen witches. I think that should do the trick. "Yeah, we do. Let's do this!" One of them said. I smiled and we made our way back to the castle, ready to do the spell.

They're going to get out of here.

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