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I woke up and sat up into a sitting position. I walked out of bed and got dressed. I just wore my clothes from yesterday. I opened the guestroom door only to be met with Hee-Young and Ae-Cha. "Oh, you're up! Do you want some breakfast?" Hee-Young asked. "Yes please, that would be great! After that, can you guys maybe tell me about The Seven and where I can find them?" They both looked at each other before nodding.

We made our way to the dining room and I sat down. Apparently, breakfast was already made. I happily dug in. It was delicious! I really need to know recipe..

After we ate, I waited for them to tell me a bit of information.
"So, I guess you already know this, but The Seven are the most powerful vampires in this world. They can easily kill us, so everyone obeys them. I wouldn't recommend to piss them off. Last time we heard from Byeong-Cheol, was when he was taken away from us. We couldn't protect him, even if we tried with all of us. We're again, really sorry about this. After you've passed the neutral grounds, you enter vampire territory. Their castle is a few minutes away. If you're lucky, you will not encounter any other vampires before you reach The Seven."

I nodded. "Thank you a lot, guys. I really owe you. If you don't mind, I really need to get going. I hope it'll all be okay." They understood and walked me to the front door. After a hugsession and shared our goodbyes, I got going. They also said I needed to go North from here, so I'll do that.

After half an hour, I was on the neutral grounds. It shouldn't take too long anymore. I was walking and walking, and tried to be quick so I won't be out here when night falls. I don't want to know what lurks in the shadows. I began running. After another 15 minutes, my legs gave up on me. I was panting. But, I finally made it. I'm at the vampire territory now. I walked past the border. Happily enough, there weren't any guards. I wonder why tho..

I sat down for a few seconds. I'm tired. I've walked for a long, long time. After a few moments, I heard the bushes ruffling. I jumped up onto my feet and looked around. "W-who--who's there!?" Great. If there was someone, they are now sure someone else is here too. Before I knew it, two people walked towards me. "Well, well, well.. What do we have here? A snack?" One of them forcefully grabbed my chin and looked me in my eyes. "A human.. Either you are really brave, or really stupid." He harshly released me.

"I-I need to speak to T-the Seven.." I quietly spoke. "The Seven?! Really. You sure about that? There's nothing to talk about with them, once they see you, you're dead." The other said. I stayed silent. They must be right.. But still, I can't give up now.

"Bring me to them, please." I said bravely. They looked at each other before one of them grabbed my arm forcefully, dragging me with him. The other walked behind me. "O-ouch. You're hurting me.."
"Be glad we're only doing this." He spat back. I couldn't do anything else but to listen. I don't have a death-wish. Or at least, it's not my intention to have one.

Why does that sound so stupid now I'm here?

After 15 minutes, we arrived at their castle. It was even bigger than the pack house.. The doors opened and we walked inside.
"Masters, we have an unexpected visitor." One of them said, while they both bowed down. No one was even in sight. I just stood up straight. I might be weak here, but I'm not scared to death. Atleast not yet.

"It's a human.." Suddenly, 7 men walked towards us. Their aura almost screamed 'danger.' I looked at all of them. One of them looked really unbothered about the situation. Almost like an grumpy grandpa. I almost giggled, before realizing that wouldn't be the best thing to do in this situation. My eyes stopped however at one of them.

He was staring straight into my eyes and I almost got lost in his. I really thought I saw his face soften for a few seconds. "Jungkook, are you alright?" The person who I assume is Jungkook, looked at the other person next to him, breaking eye contact. "Y-yes. I'm fine." He looked back at me and then looked down. That's weird. "We'll talk about this later. Now, why are you here human and what's your name? You know it's a very bad decision to come here, right?" One of them spoke.

"I-I'm Y/n a-and I'm here b-because I wanted to g-get my grandfather o-out of here.. His name i-is Byeong-Cheol.." I almost whispered, staring at the ground. I swear, I could feel eyes burning right through me.

"Byeong-Cheol? We already have him locked up for 2 years. He came here without permission, just like you. Only we grant permission and you aren't allowed to be here, too." He nodded towards the guards. "Lock her up please. You can put her into the same cell as her grandfather." The guards immediately came to walk towards me, grabbing my arms harshly. I winced in pain. Before anyone could comprehend what was going on, both of the guards were on the ground, unconscious. My eyes widened. I really don't want to mess with these guys..

I looked up and saw Jungkook. He had purple eyes for a quick second, before turning around again.

That's not possible. I must be imagining it..

"Don't lock her up, I'll take care of her." He spoke. The others looked at him if he were crazy. "What the hell Jungkook?!" Someone shouted. Jungkook just looked down. "In one hour you changed so much! We're talking about this later on!" Jungkook looked up and nodded.

"She's only for feeding purposes, Namjoon. I'm hungry. Craving for fresh, human blood." He smirked looking at me. I almost cried but held it in. He's going to kill me.. He grabbed my arm and dragged me with him. He walked upstairs and nearly threw me into this room. "Stay here, human. I need to have a talk with the others." I just nodded and he walked out, locking the door. I slumped onto the ground and cried quietly. This was useless anyway. There's no way I'm making it out of here alive..

~Meanwhile, Jungkook's POV~

"Jungkook, what the hell happened back there?!"
"Shut up, Horse! I have my reasons. Like I said, she's only for feeding." I said, mumbling the last part. "Right. Okay. Then, she's dead within 3 hours. You do it or we'll do it. Got it?" Namjoon spoke. "Gosh, can y'all just stop with the drama? Let me sleep, I didn't sign up for this.." Yoongi butted in. "Oh come on grandpa, you can go back to your coffin to sleep for forever. I'll gladly help." Jin fired back. I looked up at Namjoon him and stared into his eyes, accidentally showing purple for a split second. He, however, unfortunately saw it. He widened his eyes.

"J-jungkook.. Don't tell me she's your--"


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