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I walked back into the castle and looked around for Jungkook. "Hi Y/n, who are you searching for?" Jimin asked me. I smiled. "Jungkook."

He widened his eyes before raising his arm and pointing towards one particular door. I thanked him and walked towards it. I inhaled deeply, and with shaky hands I opened the door. It was a bedroom.

I think I'm in his room.

I cleared my throat and Jungkook popped up out of the blue. I looked down. What am I supposed to say?

'I came here to ruin my precious time, to see you, because tomorrow I'm going to reject you.'

I'm not prepared for a funeral, my own funeral at that, so I'll definitely think of something else.

"I-i wanted to s-see you.. Now that I'm a-a vampire too.. I wanted to k-know if the bond changed.." I stumbled on my words, slowly looking back up.

However that may have been the worst mistake I've ever made in my whole life.

Jungkook was staring at me with wide eyes, not quite believing what I just said and soon enough he..


He actually smiled. A honest smile. I've never seen him smile before.

Suddenly, I started to feel weird. My body was reacting to something, and now I know what it is.

Jungkook smiled while having purple eyes.

I started to feel the mate bond. I started thinking of things I really shouldn't be thinking of.

'When he smiles he's actually pretty cute..

How come I haven't noticed how handsome he is?


Maybe I should give him a chan--'

His eyes turned back to brown and I almost cried at my own thoughts. What. Just. Happened!?

Jungkook smirked. He bended towards my level and stroked my head. The feeling of his hand touching me was something I've never felt before, really overwhelming but absolutely terrifying. Should the mate bond feel that way..? No, right?

"That, my little mate, is the bond you feel between us. Intense, isn't it? Because you're not human anymore, I can make you fall in love with me very easily. The mate bond will react to everything I do, everything I say.

No matter how much you're going to try to deny it, you can't hide your true feelings for me. I can even read your mind."

He stepped one more step closer and now towered over me. I was surely one head smaller than him. I looked him straight into his eyes, his purple eyes were showing again. That weird mate bond came back and it made me think of no one else, except for Jungkook.

Jungkook, moreover, knew exactly what he was doing..

He came in closer, and closer.. A little bit more closer and..
Our noses are now touching.
He came closer to my ear, his lips brushing against it very slightly. "Never wear Taehyung's clothes ever again. Wear mine instead." He threatened. He came back to the point where our noses were touching again.

I closed my eyes, not being in my right mind and when I waited for what was going to happen, he pulled me in.

Nope, not for a kiss.

He pulled me into his room, closing the door and he walked towards the bed, ignoring me.

I exhaled and held my head, groaning. This isn't right. Not at all. This terrifies me. I can't let that happen again.

He's a murderer. He killed my grandfather. I should hate him.

"Are you going to stand there all day? Come here little one." He gestured me to come and lay down next to him. I shook my head. He sighed dramatically and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they were once again, purple. But this time..

Very, very dark purple..

My head began hurting a lot. I held my head with my hands, groaning from pain. I fell down onto my knees, in the middle of the room while looking slowly back up at him.

What I didn't know was that my eyes were very, very light purple.

~Jungkook's POV~

I love the fact that she's a vampire now. She can't go anywhere. I know exactly how to make her like this. My eyes screamed 'dominance' which was too much for her. The mate bond is working a little too well, probably because she's a newbie vampire. She fell onto the ground groaning, and looked back up slowly. She had very light purple eyes, which meant that she was now in the state of being very, very, submissive. I can practically say anything with my dominant eyes now, and she'll do it.

Of course she doesn't know this.

"Come here and lay down. Now." I ordered. She nodded and walked over to me, laying down next to me. "Lay your head onto my chest." I ordered again.

Did I just saw her hesitating? I don't think so.

"I SAID LAY YOUR HEAD DOWN ONTO MY CHEST." I raised my voice at her, being even more dominant and she did it immediately. I hugged her waist from the side and her head layed into the crook of my neck. I smirked. "Good girl. Now let's take a nap." I began radiating off a very strong aura, with something relaxing in it for her. I closed my eyes, focusing on her.

Only her.

Her steady breathing.

Her heartbeat.

The fact she's here, in my arms.

The feeling of her skin against mine.

I heard some very soft, cute snores and I knew she fell asleep. I smiled and stroked her hair.
I kissed the top of her head and decided it would be a good idea to go take a nap, too. She isn't so bad after all. Maybe I'll come to the point where I'll love her.

I closed my eyes, falling asleep to one thought.


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