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"I think you'll have to leave now.. If Jungkook comes back and he sees you in here, then war breaks loose." I giggled. He hummed. "I know. I'll come back tomorrow." I nodded and walked him to the door. He waved and left. I skipped happily to the bed and sat down. I looked out of the window and suddenly a thought came in.

'I haven't found out how they knew about my grandfather yet..'

I'll ask Taehyung tomorrow. I fiddled with my fingers, thinking about what just had happened. I walked over towards the mirror and looked at myself. I wiped my mouth because there was a little bit of blood smeared out on the side of my cheek. That's when the door opened, revealing Jungkook.

"Hey, little one. How are you doing without me?" He smirked, expecting me to say 'Terrible.' I smiled. "I think I'm doing fine, for now." He looked confused. "Aren't you.. Hungry or thirsty?" He asked. I shook my head. "Not yet." However, Jungkook thought he knew better than that.

"I know you are. Here." He walked towards me while he bit into his wrist. I stared at it, now getting scared. "N-no I really am fine.." I said stuttering. "Drink. Up." He threatened. I was backed up into the wall, a deer in the headlights. I couldn't do anything but obey him. This is going to be so bad.. I just drank from Taehyung. I'm pretty full already.. I feel so bad for doing this, even though Jungkook is my so called mate.

He pressed his wrist onto my mouth and I grabbed it, sucking his blood out.

It was sweet, but also bitter. Really bitter.

Let me correct myself.

It was gross.

I closed my eyes, trying not to show how disgusting it tasted.
'Just imagine you're drinking from Taehyung.. Who just got bitten by a snake causing his blood to be--' Okay, that's not going to work. I opened my eyes and looked at Jungkook, who was staring at me with his purple eyes. He was groaning a little, but it wasn't as heated as it was with Taehyung. I didn't feel anything. Not because I'm human, but with Taehyung I felt little sparks.

Huh. Weird.

But I ain't complaining.

I stopped and he retracted his wrist. He smirked. "Good girl."
Like, okay. What do you want me to do now? Bark?

And what is it with this dude and smirking!?

I looked down and raised my hand to wipe my mouth, but Jungkook beat me to it. He wiped my mouth with his finger and then putted his finger in his mouth, tasting his own blood. I tried so hard not to gag.
"Now, since you drank from me, you're free to walk around. ONLY--If you drink from me again tomorrow." He finished. I already ran away after the first uncompleted sentence. I looked back and nodded, heading out. I walked through the hallways and saw Jimin and a few others.

"H-hey guys.." I said quietly, waving. "Y/nnnn! Did Jungkook gave you permission to walk around?" Jimin asked excitedly. I nodded and walked towards them. "Yay! Do you want to see your grandfather?? We thought you may like it--"
"YES! YES PLEASE!" I said excited, paying full attention. They chuckled and one of them spoke. Hoseok was it?
"I'll escort you to him." He walked past me and I followed, giving a thumbs up to Jimin. He blushed a bit. Hehe. I've never seen a vampire blush before.

After 2 minutes, we arrived at his cell. I opened the door and saw my grandfather. I ran towards him and hugged him. "Grandfather!! How are you?"
"I'm good, I'm good kiddo. How 'bout you?" I hummed. "I'm fine. I just wish I could get you out of here.." I said. Wait.

Why don't I just ask for permission to leave!?

"I need to go! I need to ask the others something, I'll get you out of here, I promise!" With that I left, rushing back to the others. "Yah! Y/n, where are you going?" I could hear Hoseok shout after me. "I need to ask y'all something! Hurry---" Before I could finish my sentence, Hoseok stood in front of me. "--up." He raised his brow and walked away, back to the others. I tried to process it quickly and walked after him.

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